All things are great and small

By Helene - 02 August 2021

In this universe, everything breathes and breathes to complete the action of life. Every species, from the moment it was born, has been fighting for its own survival. Break through the last layer of maternal barrier, began to breathe their first breath of air, faced with the challenge of the living environment, thunder and lightning, hunger and cold. Each species, whether as large as a sea dinosaur or as small as a coral ant, dutifully strives for its own survival. And the universe provides us with everything. You are moved to see the grass break through the heavy rocks on the body, emerging sharp little horns. You will also be moved by the sound of the waves at the beach at night when everything is still. Clatter clatter... Like the heart of the sea, and now your own heart, plop, plop, plop... Compared with the sea, I am so small like one of his waves. But at the same time, we can hear each other's heartbeat. At that moment, the sea and I were living together in this vast and abundant universe, feeding each other, and we were both so great.

In this universe, there are countless creatures just like us who are struggling to survive, enjoying their lives and feeding each other. And I'm just a drop in the ocean. I enjoy the sun, the beach, the food, the house that keeps me warm and protects me from the cold, love and hate... All this is the giving of the universe, the giving of all things, and the giving of one another. Without these, THE moment I am left alone, I too will soon die of hunger, cold, and loneliness.

I am not noble because I am rich, I am not noble because I am powerful. My nobility lies in the fact that I live seriously, feel my life force, and enjoy the rich life experience given to me by the universe. I do not waste my life, because I deeply know its hard-won and precious.

I am in awe of my life and grateful for my efforts to survive at the same time. Jump out of their own, to look at the side of the flowers and grass, trees and trees, sunlight, air and water, to see their give and I give. We all grow in their own, their own noble. We are all great and small.