BBC's latest documentary Eden: Untamed Planet

By Chilimovie - 26 July 2021

BBC's latest nature documentary Eden: Untamed Planet, with Mark Brownlow as the producer. The British Academy Film Award-winning actress Helena Bonham Carter, who has appeared in "The Crown" and "The King’s Speech", is the narrator

Eden: Untamed Planet will lead the audience to far corners of the earth, embarking on a breathtaking journey, revealing the mysteries of the few remaining humans that have not set foot on the land. These Gardens of Eden are isolated from the world, rich in species, and have a unique ecosystem, far away from human interference and destruction, and grow freely. There are a total of six episodes in this film, which took two years to shoot and produce. It will show the audience the secret jungle of Kalimantan, the Namib Desert adjacent to the Skeleton Coast, the Luangwa Valley in the beautiful emerald season, and the charming Galapagos Islands and Alaska, the last frontier of the United States.