Candy Man reveals the details behind the scenes

By Lee - 24 August 2021

Universal's Candy Man is a highly conceptualized horror film featuring a black team. A few days ago, the film released a video introducing the work behind the scenes. In the video, the film’s staff introduced the artistic design and fine art of the entire film, and explained how the story slowly turned from a concept to a substantive visual image.

The crew looked for sources of inspiration from past art works and film and television works, and gradually transformed something that didn't exist. Under the control of director Nia Da Costa, Candy Man seems to have some high-concept symbolic characteristics. In fact, judging from the configuration of many black people behind the film, it can be roughly guessed that the film is related to race. The original Candy Man was originally a film related to ethnic elements. The 2021 version of Candy Man is nominally a sequel to the 1992 version of Candy Man, but in fact it is more like a remake. There are two sequels to the original Candy Man, namely Candy Man 2: A Bloodbath in 1995 and Candy Man 3: Day of the Dead in 1993. However, neither of these two sequels has reached the passing line, so the entire series also disappeared.

In the original story of Candy Man, the scholar Helen, played by Virginia Madsen, is studying a popular American folk legend: as long as the name of Candy Man is read five times in a mirror, it will appear. A ghost with a hook in his right hand ran into the world to take his life. Helen came to Chicago to conduct on-site investigations. A series of murders that were fatal by the iron hook also happened one after another. Finally, he discovered the truth of the legend. It turned out that a black man had his palm cut off because of his love with a white lady, and his body was smeared with honey. Before he died of breath, he suffered from the pain of a bee sting and deliberately retaliated for killing. After several file changes, the film is scheduled to be released on August 27.