Never Pay Attention, Rarely Reflect, Sometimes Pursue, Always forget

By Chilimovie - 28 July 2021

Never Rarely Sometimes Always

At the beginning of the film, the heroine sang in school, and then was humiliated by the boys in the audience as "sluts". But at this time, the family in the audience is indifferent, and we know what kind of family the heroine lives in.

This also caused the hostess to be reluctant to seek help from her family after she was pregnant, because it must be in vain. A few days after the hostess went to New York, his family did not call her, and the only call was made by the hostess. . It is conceivable that the heroine has long been encouraged and transparent by her family.

The film can be said to be like the American version of "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days." It also talks about how women struggle to make difficult decisions in an environment where abortion is illegal.

Until today, abortion is illegal in many parts of the United States. What the film really wants to reflect on is the harm and lack of consideration caused by abortion to women.

Of course, this is a deep debate. One side is that life in the belly enjoys the right to life, and the other is to strive for more initiative of women.

But the film wants to express much more than that. Although the story hides the man who is responsible for the heroine, the whole film's description of men has actually criticized the injustice of the current patriarchal society in a disguised form.

For example, the boys who bullied the hostess at the hostess's school, the stepfather in the hostess's home coldly mocking the hostess, the store manager who kissed the hostess and his cousin in a perverted manner, and the college student-like boys he met on the bus.

At the 60th minute of the film, we finally knew that the name of the slurred film came from an abortion medical test investigation. When the heroine faced these needle-stick interrogations, she finally shed tears, seemingly tough. Although it is also a woman who asks the heroine's questions, it is more like a robot-like workflow and consultation, which can't help the heroine.

We have also seen from this that the female protagonist was involuntarily treated by violence and led to pregnancy. Although the film is very obscure, it seems that the female protagonist’s pregnancy seems to be swaying between strong j and non-strong j, but these are beyond doubt. It is the dilemma that the heroine herself will face.

These are like the weeds that grow in the crevices of daily life, but we can see but we never pay attention to it, and rarely reflect, sometimes pursue, and always forget the female plight.

Yes, this film is not only about the debate about the legalization of women’s abortion, but about the plight of women today.

At the end of the film, the heroine had a miscarriage and went home with her cousin. The film ended. None of the problems and dilemmas left to the heroine could be solved perfectly, just like the problems faced by women today.