Stillwater:Shows the pressure and helplessness of the relatives of the defendant in the Amanda Knox case

By Karen - 01 September 2021

This is a typical example of a film based on real people and real events that does not require my consent. Those who don't know the background of this movie may think that it is just a suspense film about how a father helped his daughter get rid of the crime in Marseille, France, and how much it suffered. But in fact, this story is adapted from the case of Amanda Knox, a huge transnational case in the United States. This case is well-known in the United States and Europe. I have filmed a lot of documentaries, and I can see it when I search. Because it was a very tortuous case, which took a long time.

Amanda Knox herself went to study in Italy from the United States, and her roommate was suddenly killed. She and her boyfriend were initially considered the first suspects and were sentenced to jail, but after several twists and turns, she was finally released. Because the trial, court, and evidence collection are in Italy, and the protagonist is an American, one can imagine how anxious her family is, but as an ordinary person, it is really difficult to exert strength. Stillwater is actually describes this very well. Even though the setbacks experienced by the father in the film are different and fabricated, the twists and powerlessness are absolutely similar. He would go to Europe to see his daughter every once in a while, trying every means to prove her innocence, but this father was only a blue-collar class, not wealthy. Moreover, the film also mentions that fathers themselves have many problems. In the end, it gives the impression that a father must have a daughter, which is also the result of heredity.

One of the reasons for the twists and turns of the film in reality is that Amanda Knox itself does have many personal problems in life, and the impression left to others is not very good, and some testimonies made by her boyfriend are not good for her, and later the third The suspect's DNA did not match the scene.

The final conclusion of the film is also different from the real situation. In the film, Abigail Breslin (Abigail Breslin) played Allison and finally proved to be instructing others to kill his roommate, but in reality Amanda Knox never admitted, and there is no conclusive evidence that Amanda Knox and his roommate were killed. related. She always insisted that she was innocent.

After the release of Stillwater, Amanda Knox also accepted many media interviews, stating that Stillwater's film creator, director, cast and film crew had not contacted her, which means that although this story is adapted from her story, many have been added. She did not ask for her consent for other fabricated content. But legally speaking, this film is indeed a fictitious story, and there is no name that is the same as in the Amanda Knox case, and even the place where the case occurred was changed from Italy to France. However, anyone who knows the Amanda Knox case will know that it is her case at a glance, because this case is too big and too unique. The conclusion of the film will indeed make people doubt the innocence of Amanda Knox again.

However, as I said before, no matter how Amanda Knox and her family give opinions, all she can do is to accept an interview and say that she is unaware of the film, and no one asks her for advice, let alone agree with the conclusion of the film. But she couldn't announce the film, the film was not only released, but also participated in the Cannes Film Festival. Matt Damon's performance was also well received.