The Man with the Answers

By Karen - 19 August 2021

Encounters on the journey, forests and lakes, long national highways, vast expanses of open fields, two strange men traveling through half a country alone in a car... These factors can hardly not be combined into a movie that makes people think a lot, because of the journey. Suddenly, the scenery is too beautiful, and there is a lot of boring time with nowhere to pass. There are only these two men in the huge world. It seems impossible and unreasonable for nothing to happen.

European men's faces seem to have a serious beauty, especially when they are alone, their sunken eyes and contours, and melancholy have a toughness. Unlike American men, the country's multiculturalism allows their character to be expressed on their faces. It seems slick. The coldness in European men's character is something they don't have. In comparison, American men are always over-enthusiastic.

The most touching thing in the film is that he drove him out of the car and went back to look for him. He also stole a bag of potato chips to ask for forgiveness, and slowly buried his face in his arms, as if to say sorry, but not I am embarrassed to say it, but I can only rub against the owner's arms like an aggrieved puppy, expressing guilt and love with this silent begging for mercy. He replied that he hugged him, but instead he was driven out to comfort him, and fed him potato chips. At this time, there is a kind of rotten attack and attack, which is very cute. The small interaction between the two people is very short and very natural, as if there is a deep love between them, but they are just strangers who have been together for a few days. In short, this kind of natural revelation made people look at it directly: Great!

Maybe the love between a man and a man is always different from that between a man and a man. It is like two rocks that would break when touched, but a miracle occurred and the two rocks fell in love! It is this wonderful psychological feeling that makes people feel rare and valuable. I also have this feeling when I watch Portrait of a Lady on Fire.