What led to Maleficent many changes?

By Jennie - 02 August 2021

Maleficent is a very educational film. And one of the topics is kindness. Although Marlene is a devil in the form, but she has always maintained a kind heart. Therefore, in the film, we can see that it is kindness and kindness that drives Marin all the time.

First, the war stops because of Marlene's kindness without bloodshed and sacrifice. The forest and the human kingdom have been at odds because of Maleen's relationship with the prince. And war has become a regular thing, for years civilian suffering, the country is not a day of peace. It was Marlene who stepped up and put an end to it. It was Maleen's kindness that stopped the war between the two kingdoms, and allowed both peoples to rest and work in peace. So, it was Marlene's kindness that organized the war and brought peace.

Secondly, it is also because of Maleen's kindness that the human princess will grow up safely. When the human princess was born, she was cursed by Maleen to sleep for the rest of her life. However, maleen fell in love with this lovely little creature the first time she saw the little princess. He grew up beside the princess. Without Marin's kindness, the human princess may not be properly taken care of, and ultimately may not be able to grow up safely. So, it was Marlene's kindness that made him protect the princess.

In Maleficent, everything turns out to be maleficent's kindness. It was her kindness that brought peace, and it was her kindness that allowed the human princess to be taken care of.

Kindness is the most basic and important quality in everyone. A person's ability is strong, not good eventually can only be a wicked person, a person's ability is weak if good then he is at least a good man. We may not have the right to choose our talents and abilities, but we do have the right to choose kindness. Sometimes it doesn't take much of your ability to change things just by being kind. And what we can do is to learn from Marlene, to keep a good heart, if not a good one, and to keep it free from external interference.
