2047: Sights of Death
2047: Sights of Death
| 13 June 2014 (USA)

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The year is 2047. Our planet is ruled by the repressive Confederate Central Government (CCG). Ryan is a Green War rebel agent sent on a mission by Sponge to collect evidence against the CCG for its heinous crimes. Ryan soon faces the sinister Colonel Asimov, Major Anderson and a group of mercenaries lead by Lobo. His mission quickly turns chaotic when he meets Tuage, a mutant survivor of the CCG rebellion who swears to help Ryan save what is left of their world … or does she?


It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Joanna Mccarty

Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.


I agree with all the comments that gave this horrific mess one star. This is really just to warn you that the Japanese title is "Into the Mission". So if you live in Japan, steer clear!!! Honestly, people should be paid to watch this. No wonder it has a different title in every country!

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2047: Sights of Death - very boringI really don't know what else to say other than the cover of the movie probably has a higher budget than the movie itself!I don't really recommend you watch thisI don't want you to waste time I don't want you to waste your money I don't want you to waste the energy looking at this movieIf you're bored, go watch something elseIf there's nothing to watch, I suggest you go out and find something better to do!Enjoy

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Words can't describe how bad is this movie. It wants to be a horror- sci-fi type but it fails in all chapters. Even the good and known actors in it can't manage to save this failure. It seems like a B-movie with low budget. I don't know how a bunch of respectable names in cinema agreed to star in something like this. If I could I would make the actors watch the movie in witch they played and see if they agree.I will not talk about the story, because is very lame, this is the kind that must be watch in order to believe how dreadful is. But really instead of doing so, just watch at the window for one hour and a half and it will be much more interesting then this film.

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Mark Wiseman

It brings a shiver to my spine to see the likes of Rutger Hauer, Danny Glover, Daryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, and Daniel Baldwin appear in such a low-budget, poorly created ensemble. I think of movies they were in like Blade Runner, Predator 2, Kill Bill, etc. and it amazes me these actors have fallen so low in their careers that they would even sign on to a D- list production such as this.This is a high-school or community-college film-making class gone wrong - with former big-name actors in it. I am bewildered and confused by this whole train-wreck. Please stay away from this movie- it will leave you questioning your sanity and the future of film-making, in general. I have to go and drink a 5th of vodka now - so I can hopefully wipe out the brain cells that contain these sad memories.

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