22 Bullets
22 Bullets
NR | 24 March 2010 (USA)
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Charly Matteï has turned his back on his life as an outlaw. For the last three years, he's led a peaceful life devoting himself to his wife and two children. Then, one winter morning, he's left for dead in the parking garage in Marseille's Old Port, with 22 bullets in his body. Against all the odds, he doesn't die...


How sad is this?


Captivating movie !

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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This movie uses French as language but it has subtitles.It has lots of action and it is about an ex-gang member trying to get revenge after he got gunned down.Although you could say it's somewhat predictable it was never boring and I felt it was worth watching despite it having long duration.

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Ish Reyes

If you don't speak or understand French, don't watch this movie. The translation in the subtitles is atrocious. Seems like the translator couldn't speak a lick of French or knew very little English.Movie starts out OK but bogs down trying to justify too much Jean Reno's role as Charlie, a nice man with high morales that just happens to have been (focus on the pas tense) a vicious mob boss. Good story, and Jean Reno keeps it moving in the last 30 minutes. I kinda hoped that the lady detective would play a more active role and at least killed somebody, but at least she didn't meddle too much in Charlie's payback.

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There is something about the revenge movies...Perhaps it taps into some primal hunter and protector in all of us. Even after centuries of so-called civilization, we are still creatures of instinct.And here comes a very well done, albeit not very original revenge thriller. There is nothing here we didn't see before, many, many times. Nevertheless it works. Excellent pacing, well choreographed violence, good character actors, and, of course a sense of justice done. Something we do not see very often in real life. The bad guy these days not only gets away with murder, but usually runs for office and lecture us about patriotism. Maybe that's why this flick works so well. Like an old-fashioned western. You run the villains out of town and ride into the sunset.

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this is a great action movie,a great movie with jean reno on top of is game,this movie has a little of everything to have a great time.the association between all the actors is great the cast is really good ,the actions scene are great much better then the ones in American movies,jean reno is the best actor in the world.this movie is great to have a good time,it,s a very entertaining movie the should make more of those movies because they are simply great.the story was very good a great gangster movie,this is a great actions movie take everybody can enjoy.jean reno is such a great actor and the director also made a amazing work.I hope that they make more of those movie because the are simply great

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