A Field Full of Secrets
A Field Full of Secrets
| 02 December 2014 (USA)
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Charles Maxwell makes his directorial debut with this documentary about crop-circles and the intelligence behind them.


You won't be disappointed!


Excellent adaptation.

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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First off several times the background music was so distracting ( like nails on a chalkboard). I ended up muting it then put the closed captions on - it was difficult to hear any dialogue. Why wasn't there an aerial view of the crop circle created by the Nat Geo people?Also, after the guy had a dream about a crop circle appearing in a specific area-they CLAIM that one appears in the exact location in his dream, really?!? Also, all the stuff about the nodes could have been staged. Seems like their need is so great to see a crop circle that they will just make it happen. And perhaps the circle took more than one night to appear?If nothing else was accomplished by this film at least Charlie came out of the closet to his folks. Ha ha

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SPOILERS -- Some beautiful scenes of England at the opening credits... sunrises, countryside, and Stonehenge. Ostensibly the story begins by talking about those durn crop circles, which have dubious origins and explanations, but a title card says "This story is about what happened next." Director Charles Maxwell narrates and talks about researching the early occurrences. They also spend a couple minutes talking about the connection to the circular earth pyramid at Silbury Hill. Apparently, www.English-heritage.org.UK/visit/places/silbury-hill/ was an ancient chalk formation, perhaps a religious symbol or energy source, way back in England's history, similar to Stonehenge. About an hour in, the path switches to building an actual 3D object from the one dimensional lines in the farm field, which looks like a space craft, or UFO, which they call sweet potato. Nikola Romanski used CAD software to draw it out, and then machinery to build parts for the "object". This is where it gets interesting. The film was on a very low simmer until this point. Assembly, curing, and much discussion of deadlines. There is good news, and bad news at the conclusion, sort of a mixed result. Running out of time and money, the last stop is in Hawaii, where another guy has been inspired to try to create objects from the crop circles, if he can raise the funds. I'm guessing that when he does raise the money, Maxwell will be there to film it. The first hour could have been edited to a more interesting 30 minutes, but it kind of gets going for the second hour.

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I like a film that makes you think... though its hard to know just what to think of this film and its subject matter, its power is in not letting you make up your mind too easily. Before I say what I think of its subject, I'll say its an entertaining film that most people would enjoy, even if they decide that the protagonists are simply nutters (as one of Charles' friends suggests). No doubt they put genuine and considerable effort in trying to turn a theory into a reality, and its inspiring to watch this. Their efforts are compared with those of the Wright brothers and with Edison in taking a leap of faith to venture into new fields of science and technology, despite the high risk of failure and the scepticism of others. They are inspired by the designs that appear in crop fields, so the title alludes both to these mysterious phenomena, and the attempt to open up new fields in science. All inventions are inspired by thinking outside the box, they require leaps of faith, and their success is often due to a mixture of persistence and fortuitous accident. The potential of many discoveries and inventions is not realised until much later. Charles and Nikola attempt something so inspired, daring and original, so far beyond our existing technology, that their results should be interpreted in that light. If you gave the ancient Romans a blueprint for creating a helicopter, do you think they could build a working model? I hope this review inspires you to watch this film, its the best I've seen for a while, and it may just make you wonder as well...

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Here on IMDb this movie has a 6.1 rating out of 44 users. On Netflix, it has less than 3 stars. This film deserves much more, and you must know that going into it, because crop circles have never held particular fascination to me, but the subject matter is the foundation for a movie that shifts and grows throughout into so much more. It is multi- dimensional, and the people appearing in it are treated with a positive and light-hearted touch that goes beyond your personal beliefs about aliens and crop circles. It's funny at times, and while they do poke fun at some of the people in the film, they do it to themselves as well. It's not meant to change your specific views regarding the extraterrestrial, but to encourage you to see what great potential can come from the work and care you put into whatever drives you, regardless of what others believe is possible.

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