Very well executed
Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
View MoreAir Force One (1997) is mostly an action packed fun ride. It stars Harrison Ford, Wendy crewson, Gary Oldman, Glenn close, and William H. Macy. The performances are well done. I enjoyed seeing Harrison Ford not only kiss terrorist ass, but also be a great family man and brave president. Wendy Crewson was good in her role as First Lady of the United States, she had some very emotional deep scenes that she handled with great skill. But out of everyone, Gary Oldman was hands down the best performance in this film. I absolutely loved his evil performance in this film, he was able to play this unbelievably evil terrorist so realistically and you never once doubted that he would follow through the atrocities he was saying he would commit if his demands were not meet. And then we have the Vice President of the United States, Glenn Close. Her performance wasn't quite to the level of Gary Oldman's, but I still really liked her in this character of hers. She came across as true to her values, tough as nails, and willing to do anything to keep her commander in chief, the first family, and everyone aboard Air Force Once safe. The action sequences are done very well, the script has a good pace to it and it's deep in sentiment and really makes you care about these characters in peril. 8/10 for Air Force One!
View MoreThis is from 1997 and I just now got the chance to see this on TV by accident.Wow, what utter tosh! I don't even know where to begin. Harrison Ford as president with Ninja skills, Glenn Close with ridiculous peroxide hair trying to sound serious? Nah, my favourite thing is that it - of course - is the evil, evil Russians who capture the president's plane, I mean, who ever else, right? We all know that Russia is oh so evil (and I mean really EVERYbody there, no exception) as the media constantly tells us. And of course the baddie's name is even Iwan - played by Gary Oldmn, who is as Russian as I am a nuclear scientist.So yeah, hail to the good old prejudice and please US movie makers, make another one with evil Russians, I just can't get enough Oo
View MoreI had never seen this until last weekend, when it was on an afternoon television marathon. It wasn't good. Whether you're a huge Harrison Ford fan or not, AF1 is contrived and silly. In typical Hollywood fashion, all the "bad guys" are white and Russian. Over the top acting by most of the cast and idiotic plot/subplots can't be salvaged by action sequences that make you wonder just how smart the bad guys could be since they can't seem to keep guns trained on hostages. Ford as the fictional U.S. President slinks around and growls the whole movie,looking like he's about to pass a kidney stone. The CGI of the plane crashing into the ocean at the end of the movie looks like you're watching a gaming screen. It so wants to be DIE HARD on an airplane but fails on every level to make you even care about the story or characters.
View MoreAir Force One is not a good film. It is just an alright film. The things that were not good about Air Force One is that the special effects looked horrible, unconvincing, unbelievable and looked like they did not even belong to the picture in the first place. I felt sick looking at them. The movie also lacked in breathlessness and in being spectacular and had a poor filmmaking quality feel to it. However, the movie was arguably redeemed by impressive performances from Ford, Oldman and Close, a strong emotional side to it and a flawless, sharp direction from Wolfgang Petersen. Moreover, Gary Oldman was an attractive and cold villain and by his behavior and actions managed to make me feel cold and feel hatred toward him. Well done on all of that. My rating: 6.2/10
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