Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
R | 29 April 2008 (USA)
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Filmed on location in South Africa, a retelling of H. Rider Haggard's classic novel "King Solomon's Mines," featuring the adventurer who was the inspiration for Indiana Jones.


Wow! Such a good movie.


The greatest movie ever!


Disturbing yet enthralling


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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ALLAN QUATERMAIN AND THE TEMPLE OF SKULLS is another open rip-off made by The Asylum, this time copying the Hollywood blockbuster INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLS. This one goes back to some classic H. Rider Haggard source material, but it turns out to be a low rent, anachronistic mess. The only thing this has going for it is that it was shot in South Africa, so it has some very nice locations; most of the time you end up watching the backgrounds rather than what's going on with the actors. A small cast work their way through a typically silly and melodramatic tale, which plays out on the smallest scale you can imagine. If lead Sean Cameron Michael looks familiar, it's because he was in BLACK SAILS, and what a step up that was from this! Christopher Adamson is the generic villain, and a familiar face from cinema, but neither actor can do much with the strained material. Some brief and silly gore effects and an extended bit of topless native dancing are the only thing this dud have to offer.

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Roger Gauntt

I was home sick one afternoon. Quite content, all warm and snugly in the basement, hot tea and the TV remote. What's on the Dish I ask, bored out of my head and not able to focus on much of anything but the TV anyhow....160 channels. Nothing on. But wait, a cheesy looking adventure movie. Hmmmm. It's got Alan Quatermain, and temples of skulls, that's gotta be good...No. No, no, and NO! It was everything and more the above criticisms list...Absolutely a terrible waste of everyone's viewing time. Who makes these movies, and why don't they wrap it after a few dismal "dailies", and donate the money to charity? Despite all the above inane, awful, embarrassingly awful scenes (you really did watch only to see if something would happen!), I couldn't get past the fact 4 people left on a treasure hunt in the wilds of Africa with street clothes, no weapons (on foot no less when half their journey took them down a well maintained dirt road), and a small rucksack (food? medical gear?, script? weapons? TP?, containing what????).With those obvious glaringly awful errors, shame on me for watching even another 20 only got worse, and I turned it off. Then I got really sick!

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Haven't seen such an awful film for ages. It is so bad it almost has the potential to become a cult classic. You should watch it with a bunch of good friends and a lot of beer, and then you might just get through it.I struggled to understand what historical period it was set in; the political references suggest 1940's, but Umbopa wears modern dress and Quatermain's school bill is of a modern order of magnitude. The effect was surreal. We were given very few clues as to the plot. There were so many loose ends or things unexplained. The unpreparedness of the Fearless Four as they embarked on their quest was laughable. Acting was either wooden or OTT.It was as though a bunch of people met on safari in the bush with a camcorder and said, "hey, let's re-enact that old King Solomon's Mines movie" and didn't bother to plan or rehearse it much or edit the results. Having said that, I thought the scenery (and Wittley Jourdan) was strikingly beautiful, and the cast clearly had a lot of fun making this movie!

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This is the worst Movie I ever have seen in my hole life. Its not only boring and annoying, its also bad and full of wooden acting. Stupid dialogs and ridiculous stunts mixed with endless scenes where the characters walking trough Africa on a safari without any gear or supplies!!!?!? Watching grass grow is more interesting then watching this movie. I felt asleep several times but I am sure, I didn't miss a plot, cause there is nothing, absolutely nothing. The shooting scenes are so unprofessional and childish, but I am sure, even kids on a playground could play a more convincing shooting. Its a shame, some movie like this is for sale in a store. There should be a warning: Don't buy it, don't rent it, just forget it !

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