American Job
American Job
| 22 January 1996 (USA)
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American Job is a narrative film about Randy Scott, a youth caught in the dismal confusion of living and working in the world of minimum wage. The film follows Randy through a number of low-paying, menial jobs including fast food dishwasher, custodian, telemarketer, and factory worker. It highlights the sheer boredom of minimum wage work and is a slightly comical and occasionally depressing look at what life is like in the US minimum wage arena.


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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This is one of the strangest movies that I have ever seen.I watched this movie for the first time with my teenagers back when it first ran on the Independent Film Channel:IFC.We laughed a lot and yet sometimes the film would make one feel kind of sad and morose.I guess it is because the film's point is to show what it is like to work dead end jobs that do not pay much and what it is like to deal with ridiculous unknowledgable bosses.I was amazed at how accurate the film's portrayal was of some of the lousy jobs that I had when I was younger.What this film teaches is life is not always pretty and sometimes you have to realize that the job is about paying bills,not enjoying yourself.I have this movie.

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This is a great movie. Ground breaking in that it accurately reflects how mundane life can be. It's slow but so is the life of Randy (the lead character). The film transports you into the monotony of his life. The management types that think what they do is so important is so right on. One of my top 10 films of all time.

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this film blew me away. chris smith managed to perfectly nail every summer and part-time job i ever had. i always knew that those experiences had been formative in some important but yet undefinable way. smith manages to actually make a film out of it. some might call it "boring", but to me that's half the point: he expertly communicates the pathos of the mindless job that no one cares about, not even the people doing it. if you've never schlepped burgers at a fast food joint to make some extra money for college, or spent countless mind-numbing hours in a warehouse with people going nowhere in life, then you may not be able to relate to this film.

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I didn't find this movie boring in the least. I really enjoyed the "middle management" types that he dealt with in each of his jobs. I loved the conversations that occurred between the American Worker and each of his different co-workers at all five jobs. His work ethic was lousy but he was amusing. I am looking forward to seeing "American Movie" as soon as I possibly can.

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