| 19 October 2013 (USA)
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Aningaaq Trailers

Aningaaq, an Inuit fisherman camping on the ice over a frozen fjord, talks through a two way radio with a dying astronaut who is stranded in space, 500 kilometers above Earth. Even though he doesn't speak English and she doesn't speak Greenlandic, they manage to have a conversation about dogs, babies, life and death.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Horst in Translation (

"Aningaaq" is a 6-minute movie that shows us the man that Sandra Bullock's character is talking to via radio. It is an Inuit after whom this film is named. He is in the middle of nowhere almost as isolated as Dr. Stone in space, only that he is in the eternal ice. Admittedly he is neither trapped nor alone, but still. There is some subtle comedy in here with him calling her Mayday and of course the very famous wolf howling scene is included as well. This short film here is directed by Jonás Cuarón, son of director Alfonso and it was Jonas who also wrote "Gravity". Looks like he has gotten some of his dad's talent. I really loved "Gravity" and I think this little short film here is a decent watch as well. Recommended.

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After an exhilarating experience of Gravity, I always wanted more of it. Though my wish was half granted in the form of this 7 minute short.This tells the story of Aningaaq, the man whom Dr. Stone talks to while being stranded in space after a space wreck.Though it might not be as outstanding or sunning as the film, it certainly is a nice little bonus for those who enjoyed the film. It does not feature the awesome Jaw dropping space scenes, but does has a visually catchy blizzard atmosphere. Moreover, it offers a pleasant surprise, i.e. the parts of Aningaaq are subtitled. After listening to their conversation one might conclude that how deep human emotions are, where one's feelings can be understood even with a language barrier in place, and can be transferred as well.Direction: Average.Story/Screenplay: Nice.Acting: There wasn't much of acting required. even so it was average.Music: Good.Overall a nice little enjoyable shot, for the movie lovers.

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bob the moo

During the film Gravity, there is a scene where Sandra Bullock's character talks to someone via radio, but the two languages are different and no sense can be made although she does at least benefit from some type of human contact as she prepares to never have it again in what little remains of her short life. This short film shows us the other side of that conversation as we watch an Inuit fisherman with his dogs and his family. This film does have an emotional core but it is one that will work best if you think that Gravity is the most moving, beautiful human story you have ever heard; I don't think this (it is a great ride, not a great film) but many seem to be praising the film as if it were perfect on all fronts. That said, I do think Bullock did a very good job to make the most of her character and her feelings.This short film will need you to be there in that moment again to really work, otherwise it is a very simple scene that we are dropped into and most of it is fed by the contrast with the space-side scene we have already been part of. It is well filmed and I liked how intensely white and empty the picture was – it is essentially the opposite of the empty blackness of space in the film and, although it really is only a visual thing, I liked that contrast a great deal. Otherwise I didn't get too much from the short film other than seeing what I had already seen from a difference angle. The performance from Ignatiussen is nicely human in terms of his character and his actions, and he does make the film better by his work. As a show piece for Jonás Cuarón maybe this will have some use – but I suspect his father will give him more of a benefit than this film will.Well worth a look if you loved and were moved by Gravity – but without that feeling and that memory, there isn't too much here.

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Tejas Nair

Probably you will cry your eyes out after watching.Gravity was one hell of a movie and this short spin-off just aggravates the feeling. When Dr. Ryan Stone finds solace in the conversation, she recollects the tiny joys of life through a dog's woof, a child's cry, a cute lullaby and eventually getting lost in translation. We try to interpret many things when she patches to someone named Aningaaq and it is through this film by Jonas Cuaron we get into the other side of the 90 minute masterpiece.Although, it is an extended play to the original film and so to speak, I enjoyed the play, it isn't THAT GREAT idiosyncratically. And so expecting a double Oscar is some expectation. Still, Aningaaq is a fine film worth a watch.BOTTOM LINE: Not in line with the mastery of Gravity but has got tenderness. Recommended only after you watch Gravity.

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