R | 09 March 2011 (USA)
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Linked by a rare psychological disorder, Noah Greene and Emily Gates must uncover the mystery of a tragic past in order to find hope for the future.


Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


Dreadfully Boring


As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

Nathanael Gilbert

I loved this movie! Simply put if you don't like art films don't watch it. You won't like it. However if you do like movies that give you a new beautiful experience, you'll probably like it. Phenomenal soundtrack! This is a very dreamscape esk film. Your not going to get the straight forward everything laid out from beginning to end experience like you do with most movies and that bothers a lot of people hence the poor rating. I thought the acting was excellent as well as the cinematography. I personally love the dreaming emotionally driven films(and music) so this movie was right up my ally. I normally don't write reviews but the poor rating that this movie was given on IMDb I felt was very unfair for how good it was. I understand it is a taste thing. It is just unfortunate that preference is mistaken for quality. If you like this type of movie, you can rest assured that it is of quality. This movie is kinda along the lines of Donnie Darko or The Butterfly effect as style and feeling and younger characters just with less of a budget. Despite the lack of budget though unlike some independent films you don't really notice. The film quality and acting If you like those movies I think you'll like this one.

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First and foremost what sold me on this film was Bruce McGill. Above and beyond any other connection I've had with the film this man is seriously top form and always has been. Bar none, period, end of story. If you give him a chance to tell you into a story, you will love this film.Now that this film is on Netflix you should take the time to see it and rate it, both here and on your streaming service. The film has been out since March 8 2012 and there less than 200 ratings here on IMDb. Thats sad indie film lovers. Because if you travel in the same circles I do you've gone way out of your way for new good movie content constantly and failed...time and again...but not here.What I'm here to tell you is that "APART" will not disappoint. I don't want to give anything away and heck, I am obviously biased. I've worked with these guys and hope to again. So don't listen to me, just give it a chance and I think you'll like it. It's a fresh slice of what you don't see from big-budget studio pictures so much these days. If you like that about Apart...for good or bad, please rate this film and give it even just a few words of review here on IMDb so it can reach more people. The last user review said it best: he won't regularly watch anything under a five and this film simply does not fall into that category. Plus you get four solid actors in reasonably messed up situations...it was fun and I'm honored to log in and write this to help Apart succeed.

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I was fortunate enough to see Apart in Houston on the night of the premiere with Josh Danziger, the star of the film. It was shot in my home town and my high school, so I was going to see the movie regardless. However, I was truly blown away with the writing, acting, and cinematography of "Apart".The film is a very mature, and dark film and a large undertaking for a freshman writer/actor like Danziger. However, the movie was pulled off spectacularly. The story is rich and layered, and while the non-linear, broken time line may be difficult to follow for some, it is integral to the story line. The way the film is cut and shot really envelops the audience into the storyline and into the psyche of the characters.The film is an amazing psychological and philosophical journey into reality, sanity and what it means to love, exist, and what is real. This isn't your typical high octane thriller, but it is thrilling nonetheless. You will leave the theater questioning more than when you went in, and for this film, that is a good thing.

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Klaus Moser

I had a chance to view this film at SXSW and it really blew me away. Far better than I ever would have expected from an indie movie, the screen play was top notch ( written in the spirit of Momento ) and the acting was spot on. Josh Danziger and Olesya Rulin both are able to portray characters with a wide range of emotions tough-out the multi-year time-line of the movie. Joey Lauren Adams and Bruce McGill both have smaller roles in the movie but use their time on screen to full effect.Aside from the keep you on the end of your seat script, the movie also is also visually stunning, with great cinematography. It's really a pleasure to see, and it's a movie that ask you to think, as opposed to just watch.

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