Babes in the Woods
Babes in the Woods
NR | 19 November 1932 (USA)
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Two Dutch children stumble on a clearing in the woods where gnomes are going about their business. The gnomes are friendly to the children. A witch comes and takes them away on her broom to her gingerbread house, where she turns nasty on them, turning the boy into a spider, her yowling cat to stone, and tries to turn the girl into a rat when a gnome's arrow stops her. While the gnomes are fighting the witch, Hansel and Gretl free the other children who have been imprisoned and transformed by the witch.


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Amateur movie with Big budget


n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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This is quite a thrilling little fairytale, where two children stumble upon a village of gnomes in the woods. While they are friendly to the children, a witch suddenly arrives and kidnaps them. The scenes where the children attempt to escape the witch's lair were quite exciting, as were the magic spells the witch casted. But, the gnomes' attempts to rescue the children and shower the witch with arrows were cheesy. You could hardly make out the witch's dialog, whom is voiced by the actress that eventually voices the Evil Queen in Show White and the Seven Dwarfs.Overall, not a bad tale. Reminds you a little of those full-length animated movies from Disney.Grade B-

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Babes in the Woods (1932) *** (out of 4) Fun and great to look at Disney cartoon has a brother and sister wondering into the woods where they meet some elves but they're tempted by a house made out of candy and once inside they're kidnapped by the evil witch. This here is an alternate take on the Hansel and Gretal tale and for the most part it's highly entertaining. The film has some very charming moments but there's also some rather dark moments that I'm sure scared the heck out of kids back in 1932. There's a lot of great things about this short but the highlight has to be the actual animation and the colors used. I was really shocked at how wonderful the colors looked because you really could pass this off as a film that was made a decade ago let alone back in 1932. I really loved the look of the candy house and the various colors that are on full display. Another great use of color comes towards the end as the witch slowly begins to turn to stone. Speaking of the witch, she's quite creepy here and manages to be very memorable with her wicked spells. One highlight has the boy being turned into a spider and then it hits you that the various other creatures in the room were also children at one time.

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In the 1930s, Disney was the top studio for animation. The quality of their work was without equal and the public adored them. So, I have no animosity against Disney cartoons of this era. However, I must admit that a few of their cartoons were NOT so wonderful and a small number were, despite GREAT animation, still very bad cartoons. This is the case with "Babes in the Woods"--a completely sub-par and creepy cartoon indeed.This short begins with two Dutch-looking children with hollow, soul-less eyes running about--lost in the woods. They happen upon a group of gnomes that look like little Santas. However, after all their cavorting about, an evil witch arrives. She kidnaps the kids and tries to eat them and the kids respond by murdering her--but it's in self-defense! Then, all the forest creatures celebrate and the film ends. On top of everything, the music in this bizarre mess is terrible. Apart from nice animation, there really is nothing worth seeing in this weird and uber-creepy short film.

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An early attempt at the Brothers Grimm world to which Disney would soon lay claim. But more awkward and with much sloppier animation. The Hansel and Gretel stand-ins ("whose names I don't know") are shockingly devoid of personality - they've got weird little blank faces that even I could draw. When the boy is turned into a spider, it's both icky and somewhat of a relief, because at least now he's got some personality. Turned into a spider, not fattened up to be eaten. This witch just imprisons and transforms kids...the standard cannibalism was apparently too edgy.The whole thing is also dated by the utterly inane song.Is it just me, or is there something unearthly and horrific about the witch's final moments, after which the ring of laughing children just seems bizarre? And is the fact that the rock's 'arms' seem to have disappeared with the passage of time suppose to be a hint that this is all just the stuff of myth? So many questions.

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