Babes in Toyland
Babes in Toyland
G | 14 October 1997 (USA)
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With just days to go before presents are scheduled for Christmas delivery, Toyland is buzzing with activity. However, curmudgeonly creditor Barnaby Crookedman is hatching a devious scheme to destroy Toyland – meaning no presents for the world's children! Siblings Jack and Jill, alongside toy factory workers Tom and Mary, rush into action to stop the villain, receiving some assistance from the likes of Humpty Dumpty and even Santa Claus himself.


Let's be realistic.


Just perfect...


There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...


This is my favorite version of Babes in Toyland.Warning though this is not a film for very young children.This film contains great big goblins and and evil goblin king, the elements can be more frightening that you would expect from a children's Christmas move. It didn't bother me but you need to think about your individual child some scare easier than others. This is one you may want to preview before letting a toddler watch.That being said however I really loved this as a kid and went out and found it on purpose so I could share the magic with the kids in our family.The mother goose land aspect of it is really fun for kids, there are a few really good songs in this as well.I don't think you can say this is a rip off of Disney's version at all. This animated and Disney's was live action. Just because something isn't Disney doesn't mean it should be discarded.If you enjoyed this you may like Gallavants The Nutcraker Prince

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This was very very boring and lame, this should need some more happiness, kindness and entertainment to make it a great movie for all ages because it's about like 2 very clever kids who really know a way to save Christmas and escape a evil dark attic in an old crooked house and like every 10 or 20 minutes, the young kids keep returning to the attic. This movie is not really a Christmas movie, it's more like a dark nasty movie that makes it more like a Halloween movie like the attic and cave parts and stuff Even when I was 9 year old little girl I didn't like this. The music was great but the whole movie was just bad. The script was like out of the brain thing that even a 2 and a half year old probably wouldn't really like. I wasn't interested in the storyline either and some parts of the cover is unfair and incorrect, Jill had on a blue and white dress in the cover, but in the movie, she has on a type of Cinderella dress? Although she does look kind of cute in it and all she is one of my top cutest cartoon characters, but hey? Some of the characters look uncute and ugly, but whatever the movie is just plain weak and boring.

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The first half of the movie was ok and pretty innocent, but then the rest freaked me out. I can't see anything animated that is worse for a child to see. This movie is pure evil and will cause nightmares of demons with glowing red eyes. If you want your child to watch this, you may as well have them also watch The Exorcist.

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This mean-spiritied telling of a Christmas classic (!) is just plain bad movie-making--poor "acting," a confused and confusing plot, florid animation art, and a pack of goblin characters (what classic is this?) that will scare many a small child. Held to the Disney standard, this is a very poor stab at making movie magic.

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