Bachelor Party Vegas
Bachelor Party Vegas
R | 25 April 2006 (USA)
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A planned evening of debauchery in Las Vegas to celebrate their best friend's wedding goes horribly -- but hilariously -- wrong for five average guys.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

Bryan Espinales

I bought this movie for one dollar and it wasn't worth it. I thought this movie would at least be funny, but it wasn't it was stupid,unfunny,boring and just gross.not one part of the movie was funny. Who the hell thinks this garbage is funny. This was so painful to watch . My eyes started to hurt from watching this crap. This was a waste of time and money . This movie was unbelievably horrible. Don't watch this garbage unless you want to torture yourself . This pile of crap is overrated. 4.7 is to much for this piece of sh#t . That's the rating it has at the time that I'm writing this review. This movie belongs in the bottom 100 list. It doesn't even deserve the one star I had to give it. This manure deserves a big fat negative zero. If you want to waste a hour and thirty minutes of your life do something else like cleaning a restroom after thousands of people have used it. It will be less painful then watching this turd. Whatever you do avoid this movie at all cost!!!!

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This is the type of movie that is becoming extinct. The top review for this movie stresses that to enjoy this movie you just need to sit back and not think about it too much. The problem with that type of review is that with good movies you don't have to make this justification. You don't ever have to say that it's fun if you don't think about it too much about great comedies. I do think there are movies out there that fit this description but this is not one of them.This movie is very unoriginal. haha I get it old people and fat people are gross, casino owners are thugs and rednecks are swindlers. The main characters performances are not terrible but there is not much comedy found through the characters. It's like there are 5 straight men for the most part.

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Before I begin, let me remind you not to take all of the comments written above %100 seriously. This movie has a very special, very niche target audience. And I BELONG TO THAT GROUP. For all my life, very ezoteric people laughed at my jokes, and accepted me as a true friend. I, in turn, worked damn hard through all my life and have been eraning six figure income for 3 years now. Yes, I am alone, but I have the money. So I know what rich people laugh at. This magnificent piece of art is offering the audience such level of sophisticated material that only a niche group that I belong can appreciate. I menioned my income level before, and don't think that I am high or whatever and what I say don't make sense. I am one of the most important customers of #2(in revenue) casino in Vegas, so I can appreciate all the ironic messages and can get the insights communicated in this briiant masterpiece. This movie has love, this movie has fear, this movie has the what it takes to stimulate your most inner forces to move the world around. Just see it and your life will change. But first visit Vegas and work hard enough to earn a 6 figure annual income. and also don't forget to thank to God who give people courage and faith to shoot this movie.

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Rated R for strong sexual content and humor including dialogue, nudity, language and some drug use.While this rating and the DVD cover of this movie may make the so called lovers of cinema , wriggle their noses, ITS EXACTLY THE KIND OF RATING I LIKE MY MOVIES TO HAVE.So trust me when I say, I AM THE TARGET AUDIENCE FOR SUCH FILMS.That being said I'm not a big fan of direct to DVD movies, if the movie isn't good enough to see in the theaters there's no reason it should be good enough to see on the TV.But still THIS MOVIE HAD ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS I LIKE IN A COMEDY MOVIE AND KAL PENN. So I rented this movie but automatically lowered my expectations.The movie started with promise with a hilarious joke on the racist nature of airport security, immediately the Multi-cultural nature of the cast struck me A black, A nerd, A fat guy , A Normal White Guy in Love, an Indian.......... no rational mind can accept this scenario and its been clearly done to increase the range of the audience as much as possible.The movie had crude jokes, nudity, hot chicks, ugly chicks , fat chicks, Gay jokes but somehow I was hardly laughing, I even remember most of the jokes but I seem to recall laughing only for a couple of them namely the Airport Security one, the Porn Set, the hotel entry etc.THIS IS A PERFECT CASE OF GREAT JOKES GONE WRONG. We all know a jokes is not all about its content but on its execution and this movie has clearly gone wrong there.The background score was in fact quite good WHEN IT WAS USED, this movie completely forgot that sound effects can be used in films.The opening sequence was a great example of this.The acting was in fact very good, the characters may have been stereotypical but the actors displayed their acting talents in the limited premise that was given to them. For me the winner was the nerdy guy who would do the most nerdiest things possible in all situations.Script writing and direction are never fortes of such films and were not worth mentioning here either.Towards the end the movie tried to be something its not, IN THE MOST PREDICTABLE MANNER POSSIBLE and it was the looser for it. For a moment this movie felt like a Chick Flick.The only thing nagging me was that I saw the movie with the wrong company, and MAYBE ON A BETTER DAY THIS MOVIE COULD HAVE MADE ME LAUGH, given the potential of the jokes. But even then being a lover of such films this should have been a mere triviality.All in all a ordinary film which wasted its potential and failed in execution. THERE IS A CHANCE THAT THIS MOVIE MAY MAKE YOU LAUGH (more than a a couple of times) BUT THE CHANCES ARE LOW.Worth a miss.!!! +s great jokes, good acting, a few well executed scenes +/-s may be able to make you laugh if you like such movies (a gamble)-s bad execution, tries to be what is not (unsuccessfully and predictably), no sound 4.5/10 (factoring in Made for DVD and bad company)

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