Behind the Red Door
Behind the Red Door
| 12 January 2003 (USA)
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Natalie, a gifted New York photographer, has a troubled past reflected in her art. When she struggles to make ends meet in the city, her agent, arranges an assignment in Boston for a considerable sum of money. Unable to turn it down in her dire straits, Natalie takes the job -- only to find that her estranged gay brother, Roy, is the employer. Roy wants to mend their broken past, but must convince her to stay long enough to do so.


Load of rubbish!!


Don't listen to the negative reviews


A Major Disappointment


It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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I thought he was a wonderful man. The first time I met him, he told me I had the face of an angel. I worked for him at Bloomingdale's for Visage Beaute Cosmetics. He was very charming and had a dynamic personality. It was mesmorizing just looking at him. There were 10 of us girls working at the counter and we were all hopelessly devoted to Roy. I also met his partner, Kevin, he was a very nice man, as well. We did whatever we could to make his business a success and were instructed and coached to go out in the aisle of Bloomingdale's and grab women to come to our counter to try Visage. It was a really unique sales technique at the time. I watched this movie recently and I must say, Keifer Sutherland did a good job of portraying him, although I never saw this tougher side of Roy. I am glad that there is some sort of documentation to commemorate this very special man.

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Paul Creeden

I watched this film last evening on cable after previously shutting it off when the AIDS subplot became apparent. My initial instinct proved valid. I am partial to Kyra Sedgewick, but am usually skeptical about Keifer Sutherland as a leading character in anything. Well, they both were equally bad with this badly written script which is badly edited and badly filmed in lovely St. John, Newfoundland. Gay stereotypes abound. Artistic personalities are also painted with a very broad roller. Ms. Channing bumbles through several scenes, but has little impact. I felt a little ashamed of hating this film so much when I read the final dedication in the credits, but I still begrudged the time I spent watching it. The message of reconciliation seemed hollow, a dysfunctional message from a dysfunctional family.

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I think what really made this film work so well, other than the fantastic casting, is that the film never attempted to overreach its goal. it was striving for a human drama, and it captured the true essence of sibling bonds in what can only be described as elegant. The script, the power of the performances, are surprising and understated, which gives it all the marks of a weepie, while one cannot help but admire the courage of these real two people, which the film depicts. Kiefer Sutherland's performance was so subtle and beautiful at times that it was hard to watch him in a more typical role afterward, showing his diversity as an actor never ceases to amaze. Bravo! I would recommend this film to anyone who wishes to suspend any preconceived notions of him as a action or villain character actor and to invite them to view this film as a truly lovely piece of human drama. be warned, tissues are needed.

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nikos dimitrakas

Not too bad, but not something to watch more than once, unless you are a huge fan of one of the actors, who make a quite good appearance. Especially Kiefer nails his part and makes the film better. Otherwise quite slow film that leaves one possibly confused. Possible SPOILERS follow:It is nice to see Kiefer Sutherland in something else than 24. He can actually talk and not just whisper and he sure can act (but we already knew that). With just 5 seconds he can show that his character is gay, but I guess a lot of credit should go to the writers and director too. Kyra on the other hand did not impress me that much. Maybe it is because I didn't feel her character. But in all fairness she does capture her character well.

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