Black Angels
Black Angels
R | 14 October 1970 (USA)
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When an African-American biker gang is tricked into believing that a white biker gang is planning a war, all hell breaks loose.


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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This movie begins with a young man by the name of "Jimmy" (James Young-El) who aspires to become the leader of a black motorcycle gang known as the Choppers. So to gain some notoriety he decides to set up a man named "Chainer" (Des Roberts) who is the leader of a rival motorcycle gang called Satan's Scorpions. Unfortunately, Jimmy dies in the attempt and it is up to Chainer to bring the news of his death to the Choppers. Needless to say, the members of the Choppers aren't very happy when Chainer comes unannounced and uninvited but their leader who goes by the name of "Knifer" (Robert Johnson) respects his action and allows him to return to his gang unharmed. Unfortunately, the tension between the two gangs continues to increase with one person in particular more than eager to provide the necessary spark to ignite an all-out war. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had a decent enough plot but there were certain problems with the execution that were difficult to ignore. For starters, the director (Laurence Merrick) used too many flashback scenes which detracted from the movie rather than enhancing it. Likewise, too much time was spent on high speed chases and other assorted riding scenes at the expense of character development or a meaningful script. Additionally, the music played during these riding scenes was pretty bad as well. In any case, the fact of the matter is that there are plenty of other "biker films" out there which are much better and I have rated this picture accordingly. Below average.

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I always wanted to see "The Black Angels" because James Whitworth and Channon Scot,the director of lost and forgotten Bigfoot horror flick "Sasqua" were in it.Channon Scot during our "Sasqua" interview told me about "The Black Angels":"'The Black Angels' was the 1st feature film,I,Big Jim Whitworth and others that were in "Sasqua" did in,I believe,1969,if that's when they landed on the moon I got the year right.We shot that in 14 days at Paramount Ranch and all for a $1 a piece and never got to change our clothes.The director Lawrence Merrick wanted us to really feel like a biker.We stunk for all that time.That's when we met the Manson family and that's when one of our buddies took a 16mm cam and filmed them on the Sphan Ranch.Afterwards is when they committed all those crimes".The film tells the story of a fierce rivalry between two motorcycle gangs:the white Serpents and the black Choppers.It's pretty dirty and exploitative as it features rape scene,stabbings and even wild cats attacking people.If you are a fan of bikersploitation sub-genre you will enjoy "The Black Angels".7 out of 10.

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I say "Ouch!" 'cause this one is painful to watch. My video has major problems...The sound comes and goes and the picture is grainy and streaked. Probably the best thing about this movie! WOW! Remember the little boy who rides his bike with no hands? I think HE wrote, produced and directed this one. Plot? Can't find it. Acting? Where? I like the (little) comedy in it, such as the nun who M.F's the biker. The drunk was kinda cool, too. I couldn't watch this one all the way through. Got at about one hour and eight minutes into it. I had found something better to do that was less painful. I had to go out in the garage and crush my hand in my bench vise. I collect "cheap biker movies" and this one is the worst/best. "Chopper Chicks From Zombie Town" was the worst until I saw this one. CCFZT took me a few years to watch it. I got about 1/2 way through and couldn't take it anymore. Broke it out a few years later and finished it. I'll probably not finish "Black Angels". That's how good it is.

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I agree with the other comment posted here - we're talking Ed Wood bad -- we're talking Plan 9 might have to step down. This movie is so full throttle awful - you wont believe it - bad writing, awful camera work, ugly chicks, for no reason live raccoons and a mountain lion partying with the bikers sas they drink beer and smoke weed, the WORST fight sequences, terrible "rock" songs with a message and one of thos early 1970's downer endings that supposed TO MEAN SOMETHING, MAN!!!! My friends and I howled and hooted and applauded. Some of the acting is so bad, you are left numb. Fight scenes that my brother and I did better when we were 6 and 7 "fighting" in the back yard. I cant believe this movie isnt more famous on the Midnight movie circuit!!! If you love turkey cinema - go on and feast!

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