Blair Witch
Blair Witch
R | 16 September 2016 (USA)
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Students on a camping trip discover something sinister is lurking beyond the trees.

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Excellent adaptation.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Can't catch lightning in a bottle again by throwing more money and a cgi monster at it.

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It's one of those crap remakes, where they take an original that everyone loves, then they dumb it down to reach the Millennial Generation, and then they make it worse.The original was more psychological and made to seem realistic. This one seemed more like a slasher film. But I guess that is what happens when you start remaking shows to appeal to people that don't want to think at all.In the original, it was really your imagine that created the scares. In this one its made for people with no imagination to run wild and the difference is self apparent.Stay away. The premise just doesn't work for the new generation's tastes.

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6.1/10 Here we are in 2016, where horror movies have loud noises every 5 seconds and nothing is left to the imagination of the viewer. The movie is okay and will do the job of scaring the mainstream viewer. All subtlety is thrown out the window and the "Blair Witch myth" is chopped into big chunks of exposition. It may kinda ruin the ambiguity of the first movie for some people. Some interesting ideas get thrown around, but nothing comes out of them. The first half is a bit boring, but overall not a disastrous experience.

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The Blair Witch Project was a successful movie because people thought it was real. Following what we believed were the final moments of that group of teens was enough morbid fascination to plunge deep in the story, see past any mistakes in the "documentary" and be contented with bumpy images of people running around the woods at night. From then on, that fascination was over. There were only a few roads the producers could follow if they still wanted to grab the public's attention and, in my opinion, pursuing the "reality" angle wasn't one of them after we knew it was all fake.On The Woods, we are sent back to the forest with a group of couples who are hoping to find the house where the events of The Blair Witch Project took place, following a lead on a tape discovered at the root of a tree. One of the guys in the group is Heather's (main character on BwP) brother and he still hopes to find her alive (ok.....).As soon as the night falls things start to get creepy and characters start to panic, leading them to do some really dumb things like running off screaming into the woods, alone, in the dark. Also, I believe some scenes were included in the movie only to increase the sense of unease and/or disgust in the audience, which I considered effective enough, but it's annoying when they have no real development or importance in the plot. I believe this is where most of the bad reviews come from.Anyway, the story develops in an interesting way, we find out more about the Blair Witch and what's going on in that forest, while witnessing the characters' torment as they try to escape.What started off as a bland experience, since it was lacking the reality factor, grew up to be a decent horror movie with some "tight" situations that left me gasping for air. The theory to explain it all, presented at the end, didn't disappoint me either. Keep an open mind while watching this and you might be entertained. I'd give it a 6,5 out of 10 rating.

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