Bloodsuckers from Outer Space
Bloodsuckers from Outer Space
| 03 January 1984 (USA)
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A mysterious and invisible alien presence has landed in rural Texas and has started turning the nearby townspeople into white-faced, bloodthirsty killers. As the local authorities begin to investigate the strange and violent goings on, a photographer and his girlfriend find themselves trapped in the midst of an unexpected rural bloodbath, which seeks to turn them into another pair of bloodsuckers from outer space...


It is a performances centric movie


From my favorite movies..


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Scott LeBrun

Make no mistake, "Blood Suckers from Outer Space" *is* fun, but wasn't as much fun for this viewer given the value of that great schlock title. One would expect lots of campy entertainment from a movie bearing that title, but there's just too much talk and not enough action. However, when things get interesting, there's good times to be had. They're just largely saved for the last quarter of the movie. The no-name cast has the offbeat task of looking very serious a lot of the time, but sometimes dropping that seriousness in favour of a playful wink at the audience. There are some very amusing instances of breaking the fourth wall. The gore is as tacky as one could wish for, and the soundtrack is catchy, especially that new wave rock title theme song.Thom Meyers plays Jeff Rhodes, an amiable Texan hoping to make a living as a photographer, which puts him at odds with his farmer uncle Joe (Robert Bradeen). Making the acquaintance of comely stranger Julie (Laura Ellis), who gives him a lift when his car has a flat, he soon makes the discovery that a strange alien force - manifested as wind - is transforming the peaceable country folk into bloodthirsty ghouls. While Jeff and Julie simply try to survive, a gung-ho Army general named Sanders (Dennis Letts) thinks he knows how to take care of the problem.Goofy fight scenes, a sometimes priceless music score (by Rick Garlington, who also plays Major Hood), endearing lead characters, and that irresistible no budget flavour of a regional horror flick help to make this reasonably enjoyable. Token name actor Pat Paulsen contributes a knowing cameo as a randy U.S. president, and is a hoot to watch. Letts, who made his film debut here and became a prominent local character actor (also turning up in things like "A Perfect World" and "Passenger 57"), is solidly entertaining in his role. All things considered, this is agreeable enough and funny enough to sit through for a fairly trim 82 minutes.Six out of 10.

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I rented this movie on VHS back in the winter of 2002. Judging by its cover I didn't really expect much from it. However, being a fan of obscure horror movies I felt that I just had to rent it. After watching it the first time through I got hooked. The extremely low budget feel of Bloodsuckers combined with the terrible acting and equally bad (but funny) dialogue made this one of my favorite movies of all time. The movie is cheesy but not lame. Even the parts that aren't meant to be humorous will make you laugh. I used to watch it all the time and quote lines from the different characters.I'm still waiting for this movie to be released on DVD.

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Brassknuckle Sandwich

Blood Suckers from Outer Space was one of those films that you knew you shouldn't rent, but couldn't help yourself. "It can't be all bad", you say to yourself, "Can it?"The answer is no. Is the dialogue wanting? Yes. Was this a dime budget Z-grade horror flick? Yes. Would anyone notice if the actors were replaced with cardboard cutouts? No.The difference between this film, and say, some of the bigger budget stinkers, is that all involved were seriously trying to make a good horror movie, and it shows. Laughably, but it shows, and it makes this over the top, campy, zombie flick an immensely enjoyable party film that gets better the deeper you get into the 12 pack sitting in the cooler. It's been some time since I've dusted off the cover of the video and popped it in the VCR, but perhaps tonight I'll give it a spin for old times sake.

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"Bloodsuckers from Outer Space" pretty much...SUCKED!! It was one of the worst movies ever. I think the worst part was the acting. That pretty much killed it all. The two "heroes"--a failing photographer and girl he meets somehow--are the least likable characters ever. And I always wished they would just die. But there was barely any action anyhow! Just a bunch of mindless drool. I'll admit it, I was only watching this with half my attention span. But believe me, you didn't need much to understand how bad this movie was!The dialogue was some of the funniest. The photographer telling his human-turned-bloodsucker friend, "You're not getting any blood out of us." Or, when the two start physically fighting, when the girl turns and looks at the camera and says, "I can't take another kung-fu scene!" Then she runs downstairs and hits the friend's girlfriend. Also, when the two find that the guy's aunt and uncle are bloodsuckers, the aunt tells the girl, "I've got a recipe for spaghetti you'll just love." The way she says it had me laughing hysterically!Also note--there were no deaths except for those who were turned into the creatures. Maybe a few army guys died, that's about it. And also, there is no specified reason why and how this all happened. But the way the guy's friends are turned into bloodsuckers is so funny. They're in the shower, and the curtain is somewhat see-through. They start screaming, and you see them literally throwing blood against the curtain from the bottom of the shower. To make it look like they're getting killed. It is so horrible!!I don't think there really was a climax. I think the movie just sort of ended on an odd note. Like, everything was okay...or maybe not. One of those crappy endings. Please, avoid this movie AT ALL COSTS!! It is one the worst movies ever made! But if you need to see how bad it is, I say, rent it if you find it. You can laugh at the terrible acting.

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