Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe
Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe
PG | 17 April 2011 (USA)
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Before Sam Axe teamed up with Michael and Fiona, he was Commander Axe, U.S. Navy SEAL. The Fall of Sam Axe tells the story of how Sam went from respected Naval Commander to the man of mystery we've come to know on Burn Notice. On what will turn out to be Sam's last military mission, he is sent to the jungles of Colombia to investigate claims of a vicious terrorist organization known only as the "Espada Ardiente" (Flaming Sword). His mission: to determine whether U.S. military aid is necessary to deal with the threat. But when he arrives, things are more complicated than he'd imagined. He receives word that the rebels have targeted a small civilian clinic deep in the jungle. Sam must now save the clinic's doctors and patients from certain death. However, nothing is as it seems and the Espada Ardiente may not be the biggest threat Sam Axe faces.


What makes it different from others?


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Typical of many Bruce Campell movies. Mix of humor, a little bit of emotion. Though a prequel to Burn Notice, so very different, with its humor. But great to tell the story of how Same Axe left the Navy. If fan of Burn Notice, a must see, but don't expect it to be serious. It is listed as last episode of Season 4 on Netflix, but really is a standalone movie.

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For whatever reason I never knew this even existed and just watched it this night (6-26-13).The movie itself was nothing to write home about but was nice to see Sam being Sam.With Burn Notice ending after this season I am actually glad I didn't know about this till now as it was the beginning to the end of a TV show I greatly enjoyed.For such a hodgepodge character set I was always amazed that they made it work. Campbell's character was a big part of its success and quite possibly its glue.If you are a fan of the show it is worth watching.

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As a long-time Bruce fan (I first saw Evil Dead in the early 90's, not realizing the man already had a cult fan base), I enjoyed every scene Bruce was in, and since he was in virtually every scene in the film, obviously I enjoyed most of the film. The doctor guy was annoying, the love interest was whiny but an OK foil, the teen girl was hot but evidently found the scenery too tempting to resist gobbling up in big bites. The villains were competently played but telegraphed oily evil immediately, losing all sense of suspense there.It was predictable and a bit preachy, and the mention of the SOA was bordering on heavy-handed, but Bruce charms and smirks his way through it and makes an otherwise forgettable bit of tripe an actual pleasure to watch. It is significant, however, that no one but him could have.Of course, one doesn't watch Bruce Campbell for the outstanding special effects (Alien Apocalypse, anyone?), the great supporting cast (The Man with the Screaming Brain?), or the realistic, down-to-earth plots (any Evil Dead you care to name), one watches for Bruce. By that standard, this movie does fine.

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This was a great film because Bruce Campbell stayed so true to his character, Sam Axe; the Sam Axe we know and love from Burn Notice.The appearance of Michael Weston just brings a smile to your face and the fact that the inside jokes or small jabs they take at each other are from Burn Notice.Yes, some parts are super cheesy but they still make you feel good because you just cannot dislike Bruce Campbell and his charming self and smile.I think this was probably one of the better TV movies ever made. The story was simple enough and most of all it related to BN and that almost gave me goose bumps. God I miss that show and all those characters.Cheers, Daniel

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