Chained Heat
Chained Heat
R | 27 May 1983 (USA)
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Linda Blair plays Carol, a young woman who must serve 18 months in prison after driving drunk and killing a man. The prison turns out to be brimming with decadence, corruption and sleaze, where the other female inmates are sadistic crack-selling lesbian rapists and the guards and warden are no better.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Really Surprised!


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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CH is a guilty pleasure of camp this is as addictive as Krispy Kreme donuts. It's highly unlikely you've ever been in a prison like this one. This is a film that set a new tradition of prison films where the facilities are infested with corruption by it's staff. Vernon, who did a score of films with Blair, plays the corrupt warden who lives in the prison. His den is one of sex and rape, and he has a video camera to prove it, as well a Jacuzzi, where he makes his pics while having sex with the drug addicted inmates, one tasty scene near the start involving a young blabbermouth phillie who sorrily gets her just desserts. Racial confrontations, lesbianism, violence, murder, this film has it, not even a bad script, either. But deep down we know, this is very far from Oscar status. I liked Henry Silva, who plays a real sleaze, who works with the governor (a really good Stella Stevens). He sneaks the girls out for partying and entertaining dirty old men. I liked how all the prisoners, all came together near the end, compared to all the animus they shared earlier, where finally, after many ugly incidents, they decide to turn things around. These films are so stereotypical of Blair too, who uses a couple of the same lines, she uses in other movies. CH is a guilty pleasure of sleaze, one of the most entertaining flicks of this kind (and there's many others floating around, believe me.

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**SPOILERS** A somewhat chubby but very sexy looking Linda Blair as woman prisoner Carol Henderson is run through the ringer in this classic "Women in Prison" movie where she ends up not only saving the day but losing a few pounds of baby fat that she put on since growing into adulthood.Carol for her part just wants to put her time in, 18 months, for a hit and run rap where she ended up killing a pedestrian. Not knowing what she's got herself into Carol ends up engineering a major prison riot that puts an end to a reign of terror at the prison. Warden Bacman, John Vernon, running the women's prison has been also running a drug ring and using the profits to built an elaborate penthouse for himself where he entertains the women prisoners he's in charge of.Anything goes in Warden Bacman's house of horrors with the horny male prison guards paying for sex with the shapely woman prisoners. This leads at the beginning of the movie a terrified woman prisoner Susie, Jonna Lee, being gunned down when she, with a toy gun, resisted the advances of prison guard Stone,Robert Miano.It doesn't take long for a sweet and inoffensive Carol to become a hardened convict when she's messed with by not only her fellow women prisoners but by Warden Bacman who's got his eye on her. The warden likes them, his women, young and innocent and Carol is just what he's been looking for since his former prison girlfriend Debbie,Monique Gabriell, was found murdered in the prison laundry room. Debbie besides engaging in the wardens many personal pleasures, like having himself and her video taped having sex, was snitching on her fellow prisoners.We soon learn that as Warden Bacman was enjoying himself, with women booze and drugs, his second in command Captain Taylor, Stella Stevens, has been planning a coup to overthrow him and take over the prison with her pimp boyfriend Lester, Henry Silva. Meanwhile Carol has gotten in with woman prison leaders Ericka, Sybil Danning, and The Dutchess, Tamara Dobson, who despite being bitter enemies have joined together to crash out of prison before either Warden Bacman or Captain Taylor stage an unfortunate accident for both of them.One of the best,and unintentionally funny, prison films ever made "Chained Heat" really gets going when Carol whips up the women prisoners after Captain Taylor took over the prison. That was due to Warden Bacman's "accidental" drowning in his king-size bathtub. Running the prison like a concentration camp commandant Captain Taylor has the state prison administration start to put the heat on her in why so many of her inmates are ending up either dead or in the prison infirmary.With the rioting woman prisoners on the verge of taking control of the prison Carol, knowing what will put an end to Captain Taylor's dreams of power and glory, breaks into Warden Bacman's penthouse in search of the incriminating evidence that would put Captain Taylor behind bars! A hidden video tape of Captain Taylor and head woman guard Boots,Kendal Kaldwell, drowning the very drunk Warden Bacman while he's entertaining one of his woman prisoners in his hot-tub! Bacman has a tape recording system hooked up in his pad, that Captain Taylor didn't now about, that recorded everything that happened there even his murder!Without a doubt "Chained Heat" is by far the best and most hilarious womens prison movie ever made. As bad as the film is in its unbelievable story and the atrocious acting in it doesn't for a moment let its audience down. Even now, some 25 years after is initial release, "Chained Heat" has never been eclipsed, much less duplicated, in the many bad womens prison flicks that had since followed it.

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This has to be one of my all time favourite sexploitation movies. A stellar cast, over-the-top acting, lots of prison fights and violence, and just enough nudity to give it added appeal. The drive-in theatres here in Toronto held over this classic in '83 and brought it back as an added feature in '84. The sound fluctuates, the boom microphone shows up in parts, and the movie is dark, however, these technical flaws do not take away from the grittiness of this movie, they just add to it. If you are looking for a good "women in chains" movie, this is one of the best.

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Compared to CAGED HEAT and other womens' prison films, CHAINED HEAT is the ultimate classic of the genre! It's got gruesome violence, a lot of humor, and lots and lots of female NUDITY! Also equipped with a decent story.Linda Blair is ok in the starring role but the 3 best characters got to be:1.)John Vernon's prison warden who has a jacuzzi in his office that's never without a sexy inmate. He also tapes his sex-capades with a video camera. GOD I WISH I HAD HIS JOB! 2.) Stella Stevens' prison guard, Taylor, is a real tough bitch who scares new inmates (Blair) and brutalizes the rest with her cruel orders and unorthodox decisions. She also has an erotic side to her when she tries to satisfy her strong sexual urges by deeply falling for one of the warden's buddies who is only using her for his own personal gain. He is, in fact, already serious with the next character who is the best thing in this entire movie...SEX GODDESS SYBIL DANNING!3.) Sybil Danning's inmate, Ericka, is a georgous and tough woman who runs the entire prison. She makes unwanted passes at Linda Blair, especially in the BIG SHOWER SCENE where beautiful Sybil caresses Blair's shoulder's with warm water and soap. GOD I WISH I WAS LINDA BLAIR AT THAT MOMENT! Sybil has all the power in this movie. She chooses who she wants and desires and who she rejects and harms including one male guard who's crazy about her. Imagine being so close to her at work everyday and not being able to even approach her. TORTURE!See this movie and you'll very'll get some laughs, some gore, a few catfights, and an increase in libido. Enjoy!

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