Children of the Corn: Revelation
Children of the Corn: Revelation
R | 09 October 2001 (USA)
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When calls to her grandmother go unanswered, Jamie Lowell uncovers the truth behind her mysterious disappearance.


Who payed the critics


Brilliant and touching


A Major Disappointment


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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With 7 titles and 1 remake under it's belt, everybody knows that the Children of the Corn series has run it's course and is now being kept alive in attempts to bleed it for a little more money. That's not to say that they didn't try in Revelation. I watched this on Netflix expecting another painful installment like Isaac's Return but this showed slight improvement.They attempted to breathe new life into the series by trading the cornfields of small-town Nebraska for a dilapidated apartment building in small-town Nebraska; going for more of a haunted house feel than an evil children feel. The story line had potential but, unfortunately, it didn't live up. And here's why:The Children: The children are really what the movie is always about. But for some reason, the small but menacing children of the series are swapped out for more of a generally weird brand of child. The "stand there and stare" move gets less creepy the more it is used (and it's used A LOT) and starts becoming more annoying than anything. The only thing scary about the "main" evil child, Abel, is his Amish-style haircut. Although their uncanny ability to teleport makes for some creepy moments, I never really found myself being scared of the kids.The Supporting Characters: Almost every single character that we meet in the movie serves one purpose; to give the kids someone to kill while the main character, Jamie, tries to figure out what's going on. The few supporting characters who don't meet a grisly end pop up at random times during the movie until they're needed to progress the movie along.The Story: While the story has never been a strong point of the Children of the Corn series, Revelations tries a little too hard to make the story compelling. It begins with Jamie trying to find her missing grandmother. It then turns into a trip to the past where we learn that her grandmother was the sole survivor of a mass cult suicide and, in an odd reverse-butterfly effect type of motivation, the children return to kill Jamie since her grandmother was supposed to die and Jamie should not have even been born. It's a rather complex plot line for a run-of-the-mill horror movie.The Main Character: Although we follow Jamie as she frantically searches for her grandmother, we don't really feel any connection to her. Very little background is given to her character besides the fact that she lives in California and talks to her grandmother regularly. The casting director did a good job of bringing Claudette Mink on for the movie as her good looks tend to distract you from the sub-par script that they handed her. She does a good job as the concerned grand-daughter but when the action starts up, she starts to overact. You see this most obviously towards the end when she's attacked by evil corn stalks that remind many horror movie aficionados of the "tree rape" scene of Sam Raimi's "The Evil Dead."In the end, it was a half-way decent movie. It certainly won't win any awards but it's just creepy enough to hold your attention. And at brisk 82 minutes, it goes by pretty quick.

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When calls for her eccentric grandmother go unanswered,Jamie Lowell is shocked to discover that her grandmother's last known address is a condemned tenement building overrun by murderous children.But as Jamie slowly uncovers the truth behind her grandmother's mysterious disappearance,she merely disturbs a powerful evil that now seeks to destroy Jamie as well!First of all I'm not a fan of "Children of the Corn" series,however the description on the back of my tape sounded good enough to watch this film.Guy Magar's "Children of the Corn:Revelation" lacks gore and scares and is filled with huge plot holes.Still the location sets are suitably atmospheric-the hallways are dark and slimy looking.Unfortunately the ridiculous climax truly got on my nerves.Overall,this isn't the best in the "Children of the Corn" franchise,but it sure is better than horrible part 6.

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Whilst the rest of the world is giving us films like Dog Soldiers and The Ring we still keep churning out this genre crap - I mean does anyone really need a sixth sequel to a film no one liked in the first place. I mean who watches these...oh wait a minute I did. Shame on me.

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I've seen the whole series and this was the worst of the whole thing. The problem is it's so new age based and it ruins the creepy affect of the other films. I really didn't like it. I've seen a lot or horror movies and this just stunk. I really enjoyed all of the films before it but the way this was designed bugged me! It was an apartment building with corn fields right next to it. This movie was an insult to Stephen King's work.

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