Creature of Darkness
Creature of Darkness
R | 31 January 2009 (USA)
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The story of four young couples drawn to the remote dunes for off-roading in their extreme machines. But the outing turns into a night of terror when they are attacked by the Catcher, a skilled and brutal hunter of human specimens for alien science.


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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A Masterpiece!

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Okay, the plot line is that a guy disturbed by his uncles nightmares brings his friends out to a place outside an air force base, where apparently aliens are hunting down humans for some reason that defies explanation, other than they really notice the racial differences between our racially not all that distinct characters. I mean, really, if you wanted an Asian or an African, wouldn't you actually go to those places to get one, instead of getting folks with so much European blood in their background you can barely tell.The alien is cheap CGI, I mean, something that would embarrass a warcraft nerd. It's reasoning seems a bit silly. If it's on a scientific mission, it certainly wouldn't act like a hillbilly butcher, would it? Just once, I would like to see an Alien/Predator kind of film that actually defines the alien or predator in ways where you understand why it is doing what it is doing, other than being just a mindless monster the heroes have to survive...

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The director, whose biography on the DVD would have you believe he's either Kubrick or Orson Welles, has credits and awards for nature shows. You know photographing animals in the wild.Sure great, but in this case that doesn't mean he can write a scene or stage an action scene to save his, or any cute animals life.The plot is a predator rip off deal. It's poorly shot on HD, the black levels and colors and focus are all problems from time to time.The action scenes just don't cut together at all. Slow motion is used once in awhile for no good reason. The sound job on the movie is awful some of the stereo effects seem to come from the wrong side of the screen.It's so poorly staged that sometimes it takes you a few scenes later on until you understand what happened in a sequence. It's sub amateur sorry to say there is no idea where to put the camera.The one thing the movie has going for it is a cool looking creature head and hands. That is when it's a real prop, when it's a CG thing that too looks barely decent enough for a video game. But the real creature is coolly designed and nicely operated. Too bad the director and story give it nothing to do.The movie seems to be cut to avoid nudity, the one semi nude scene is "timed" so darkly that it stands out against the rest of the night scene it is in. Profanity too is sort of mixed around the F word. Like the film was done to pass for screening on Sci Fi network ( now retartedly named Scy Fy) And is it better than the worst things on Scy Fy? Well no, it's probably just about as bad as their worst monster movies, certainly more poorly directed and photographed than many, on a writing level it's about par for the lousy course, aside from the real creature here which raises it above AZTEC REX, for example.Has a pre credit sequence which makes no sense at all and is repeated later in the film, also seems like this was done to give is a punchy opening for Scy Fy channel.Several endless scenes of people talking around the campfire slow down the middle and show off terrible writing and clueless acting. Early on there are several scenes to establish interpersonal conflict--which are bad and needless just makes you wish you'd never gone dirt bike riding.Computer FX of airplanes and gunfire all really poor, music seems like same few cues from a sound library, but wait, there is a very "white" sounding rap song during the end credits.They do drop a burning dune buggy out of the sky. There I've said everything nice I can think of. Really find one of the nature shows he directed and watch it, it might help you not want to kill the producer/writer/director before he makes you sit through another one like this. Hire the creature guys, fire the rest of them. A failure on every creative level involving the basics of movie making.

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I had to sign up just to warn people about this awful movie.This is a bunch of idiots with a dune buggy, some ATV's and dirt bikes kicking up dust and screaming; throw in an alien creature. I'm surprised no one died of silicosis in the filming!If your looking for some cute gals running around in shorts and bikinis you'll be entertained for a few moments before you realize no one can act. Of course the horrible script and directing didn't help them. The best actor in the whole movie is the animated monster and it wasn't that good.I realize this is a low budget film but this movie was filled with corny lines, overdone screaming and ridiculous gestures. Low budget doesn't have to be that! I felt sorry for the actors, even though most of them couldn't act, period.

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Me and my girlfriend caught the premiere of this flick at Santa Barbara Film Fest and both thought it kicked ass for a low budget job. Yeah, it had a few cheesy parts but was overall very watchable. The creature was really spooky and believable. The ugly thing spit on prey to scent mark them so it could hunt them down. Off-road machine action was cool. Story theme was similar to Predator, only this alien was hunting humans for alien science, not sport. The babes looked hot and I hated to see some of them killed off. I like that the creature was freezing them for inter galactic transport and alien museum display. Good to see Devon Sawa back on screen. I read on Fangoria that Sawa starred in another flick Wild America by this same producer. Haven't seen this Creature movie on DVD yet but I think it's worth the rental when it does come out. Don't expect a big budget studio movie and you'll be entertained. Will the world ever get tired of seeing deadly aliens hunt down humans? I don't think so. It's too much fun. My favorite part of this movie was the idea of an alien museum filled with human specimens

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