Critical Mass
Critical Mass
| 04 July 2001 (USA)
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Jeffers works security at a nuclear power plant. The plant is being decommissioned, and a politician is touring the plant and videotaping his comments regarding the closing. A terrorist group led by Samson gets inside the gates, with their ultimate goal the detonation of a nuclear bomb inside the plant. After local policemen and the other plant workers are killed, Jeffers and Janine alone must confront and halt Samson and his terrorist squad. Written by Ken Miller


not as good as all the hype


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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I could only get 1/3rd the way through this piece of trash. There are completely absurd sequences of thing happening and they just waltz right into Cyberdyne like it was a motel 6. Then a they go to a nuke reactor and just stroll in there like a walk in the park! All in all the acting is sub-par and the writing is even worse. 4 thumbs down. Spend the money and see Matt Damon in Bourne Identy and Bourne Supremacy and the soon to come Bourne (shhhh, it's a secret ;) ). Oh and BTW I found a good use for the DVD that I paid all to much for. I use the DVD for a .06875" shim for leveling critical things to level and the case is under a wobbly piece of furniture. And why isn't there a rating of 0 (zero) on this site? I gave it the lowest rating I could, honest :\

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Well, I bought this movie because I was a Treat Williams fan, but I couldn't even stand him in this movie. I don't give it a bad rating for the acting, because I didn't have much patience with this movie, so I didn't pay much attention to the acting. The movie is just simply too bad for words, mainly because of the shameless ripoffs. Anyone who's a fan of action films will be sent sobbing to the floor by this. Look hard for any scenes that seem familiar, because they are! This movie uses scenes from at least two other movies, and not just short scenes. The most memorable is their use of the entire 15 minute Cyberdyne attack of "Terminator 2"! Also, if that wasn't bad enough, just see the cut and paste truck chase scene from "Universal Soldier"! At least 30 minutes of this movie isn't original footage. I cannot recommend it!

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This is by far the worst action movie I have ever seen! It was a waste of 1.5 hours! The storyline, cast, and actual acting in the movie is terrible. This movie could've been well-made, but unfortunately, the cast is not good enough to pull it off. What really irritated me was how unrealistic this movie was. For example, when the 2 main characters (Jeffers (Treat Williams) and Janine (Lori Loughlin)) are sneaking around the power plant, they're talking very loud, they're not trying to hide, nor are they even acting like they're nervous/afraid. The acting is so fake; this is also a major directing problem.Overall, if you want to see the worst action movie ever made (or you have 1.5 hours to kill), watch this movie.

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Well this was a good laugh. The only problem it wasn't a comedy & was so trying to take itself seriously. The acting in the film is appalling, with Treat Williams (A good B actor at the best of times) walking through the film in a trance, & he wasn't even one of the worst in it. There was the usual stock women characters ( a bossy reporter with gleaming fangs) who was extremely irritating, & a leggy blonde in the tightest mini skirt who was laughably in the government & spent most of her time looking serious.I wont go into the plot, as it was extremely boring & laughable, & I certainly wouldn't want to destroy any enjoyment for anyone who wants to waste 90 minutes of their life.

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