Crossing the Line
Crossing the Line
| 15 July 2002 (USA)
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A former basketball star moves to a small town to assistant coach for a high school championship-winning basketball team.


That was an excellent one.


People are voting emotionally.

Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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I enjoy a good sports story and this was a good story. The world of high school basketball in the USA is a big time business and this story highlights the good and ugly side. The camera work wasn't the best but it was at least watchable. I love watching characters. for me other than the main star I really enjoyed watching the guy playing the College scout. I would have liked to see him meet the dad and discuss what he saw for his daughter. I also saw the guy who played the scout recently in How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. He played a basketball fan in that one. I looked in the credits but I couldn't find it. How come he didn't get a credit. I wanted to see what other movies he's been in. Oh well. Anyway a great movie.

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Lee Bartholomew

Being me.. I like watching movies. So I'm down chatting with my mother and she was watching this here movie. Well as it usually happens... I got hooked. It has a great storyline and what have you. The story is of course about what happens when Parents act like children at sporting events. This one being basketball.But I did find the fast forwarding crap to be rather distracting. Sure some nut musta figured. "Shoot... have 2 hours to fill... gotta use the fast forward gimmick. It doesn't work.6/10Quality: 3/10 Entertainment: 7/10 Replayable: 5/10

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