Dangerous Moves
Dangerous Moves
| 15 April 1984 (USA)
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During the Cold War, the World Chess Championship clashed complete opposites - personal and political.


People are voting emotionally.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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I'm a chess player and somehow I imagine that the film will be about chess after reading the description. Well, the truth is that chess does show a little here and there; the chessboard and the game itself is very little shown and I considering that many people may not know chess is reasonable to keep a balance.. but they sincerely could have done better. The main characters are hard to like, due to little construction and the acting is way over the top with "Pavius"the young one. The personal dramas were interesting but presented in a sort of confusing way that there was not time to understand what was going on. Frankly, if you are interested in chess and films you may see it for curiosity but not for quality or entertainment. Chess is fascinating and Im sure that you could a good movie out of this one, maybe a remake?

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"Dangerous Moves" is a French film that in some ways is a fictionalization involving the chess champ, Bobby Fischer mixed with some Cold War dramatics. The film is about a long-anticipated match between a Russian Grand Champion (Liebskind) and a Russian expatriate Grand Champion (Fromm). Liebskind is older and ill--and he and the agents from his country are trying to hide this from everyone. Fromm is a nut-case (like Fischer)--very, very, very demanding and amazingly neurotic. Neither man likes the other and due to Fromm's weird antics, it's not even certain that the match will take place. And, when it does, both players threaten to derail it repeatedly.The film is an interesting character study of two seriously disturbed and difficult to like men. I appreciated this, as most films feature more one-dimensional and predictable characters. However, many will blanch at the film's slow pacing and that so much of the film takes place at the match--making it a hard-sell to most viewers--plus there is no hero to root for--just two very determined oddballs. It is very good but also for a very narrow audience. Worth seeing, though, if you are very patient or have a background working in mental health. Otherwise, there might just be some better French films you might want to see first.

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Finally a close to perfect work. This film got it all. The conflict, thank god, can be read through more than one dimension, it's how to be rich as a drama, and a thought-provoking film too. One can read it as a brilliant chapter in the cold war's time; the original Soviet communist vs. the Lithuanian enemy of the proletarian revolution. As if it's the eastern block vs. the western world. Then it's a battle of minds between the old generation who believed in something and fought for it, and the young one who rebelled against the first, fighting for the opposite. So it is, as well, the wise old vs. the riotous young. The differences between the 2 main characters are catchy and well-made. One is mystic who loves to unite with nature (great scene, with only music, for him enjoying sailing as if it's a spiritual fun). And the other is more materialistic, with hot pace and temper (enough to remember his leather jacket and motorcycle). I loved the pace, it's meditative and exciting in the same time; which is very hard to achieve by the way. Still the scene of seeking help by external factors to affect the players is smartly comic to the max (that Indian guru, who controls minds, is pure comedy). The 2 lead actors played their roles in iconic way if you will. However nothing is better than the end of it. Simply this film wins immortality by not relaying only on the cold war situation back then, yet it dives into deeper layer to make it essentially a conflict between just humans, who wants to assure themselves in the thing they love. Notice well how it doesn't eventually choose a winner or a loser too, because the game is on and the conflict is forever between the older and the younger. It's how the film – so intelligently – will live for more and more; being suitable to watch anytime or anyplace (it outlived the cold war itself already). So it is satisfying whether as politically, philosophically, or – and that's the most important – as a good effective drama in the first place; where you can watch it only as a thrilling movie about a crucial game of chess between the smartest 2 guys on earth! Naturally, this is one of the best films I have ever seen. Or in another word, this is how films must be made.

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I saw this film when it came out in 1984, and since then, have been unable to forget it. I have been looking for it everywhere, from shops to the Internet without success. It seemed to have disappeared from the surface of the Earth. Finally, ARTE, a French/German TV channel, decided to broadcast it two months ago...and of course, I recorded it. It is based around a very simple storyline. A chess match. The two main players in the world. Both russians. Two generations fighting against each other, and also two visions of the world. The oldest generation who stayed and endured the last 50 years of Russian history. The younger one who left, but not unscathed. For them, only one thing matters : Chess, but for the outside world, and their entourage, many other things come into account: propaganda, money etc... From the actors to the plot, I cannot find any default with it. It is soberly and superbly played by Michel Piccoli (it is probably the only film where I really liked him) and the whole cast is a marvel. To be seen absolutely !!!

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