Dead Wood
Dead Wood
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
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Four friends escape the grime of the city and head out into the woods for a peaceful, relaxing weekend...


Truly Dreadful Film


Redundant and unnecessary.


Absolutely brilliant


The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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This movie suffers from bad acting, bad directing and bad storytelling. The moments of suspense are so scarce that when they come, you know where and when you'll be supposed to be scared.Apart from the lack of the above, the only scary thing in this movie is the knowledge that you are wasting precious time of your life which comes to you with each second you watch of this abominable "movie".It are movies, such as these, that give the horror genre the bad name which it has today. I suppose it is the only genre that's being used as a training ground for bad and/or beginning directors and actors.Stay way from this and don't even touch it with a 10-foot pole. You've been warned.

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I thought this movie was going to be something really scary to watch. The beginning of the movie will lead you to believe it's a truly good horror film. But as the scenes kept progressing and the actors kept getting worse and worse, I knew I didn't have to hide my eyes anymore. I could of done something better with my time,like sit and look at the wall. That would of been more exciting than this film that was that was so wrongly labeled a "horror film." It leads me to wonder where they found these actors. There is absolutely no emotion shown on their faces. Very wooden acting. Please don't waste your money renting this movie. If you want to see it,wait till it comes to television. If it ever does. Instead of it being touted on the horror film channels,it should be on "worst movie ever made!"

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Kim Newman recommended this in the last issue of Empire. He also recommended 100 Feet so the less said about that man the better. This has precisely two moments where the director actually achieves some semblance of 'horror' and one moment where he clearly blew the budget on one special effect. These three scenes collectively last for about ten minutes of screen time and whilst some understanding of how to frighten the viewer is present they are not worth watching the film for. For the rest of the time you are left with a meandering plot that truly contains some of the worst acting I've ever witnessed and that's coming from a fan of low budget horror/indie/B-Movies for 20 years. The quality of these performances are akin to watching a play performed by an below average GCSE drama group. The acting and dialogue are so poor in fact that I wondered if it was intentional. Sadly the film has a disturbing lack of awareness and is seemingly not tongue-in-cheek in its approach. This is the first review I've ever written but it's all come to head lately as I drift from one disappointing new horror film to the next mainly due to the untrustworthy or shilling production company reviews from the IMDb user comments. It's a joke honestly.As Macready says 'Trust is hard thing to come by these days'

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I don't even know where to begin with this movie. The other post's on here must be from part of the film company or the directors themselves , because this movie is horrible.From the acting, which is some of the worst you'll watch, even for a low budget horror film. To the story itself, a wood witch who turns people into trees?I should of known right from the start when "Milk" ,yup that's his name, climbs a tree to get "bird eggs" for them to have for breakfast. This coming from a guy who said in the beginning of this crap that he really hasn't been camping before.Or when "Webb"(really creative names btw) drowns while swimming with a naked girl,who happened to show up at their camp in the morning and cook them breakfast, all the while his (Webb) girlfriend is watching from the beach while he swims with naked girl.I mean, even in Junior High School you would never get away with that with your girlfriend. I don't know who they made this film for, but do yourself a favor and don't let it be you. You watching this film is the only "horror" you'll get from this film.

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