I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
View MoreWonderful character development!
It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
View MoreFantastic!
Jonathan (Rob Zabrecky) is very Obsessive/ Compulsive. He works as a maintenance keeper at an amusement park in Aurora, Colorado. We get glimpses of his childhood of a domineering mother (Lisa Howard) with irrational fears. Jonathan has a half dozen dead bolts on his front door, but a back door that is easily broken into as we see two young ladies force they way into his house to snoop. Jonathan surprises them and one dies from a fall (Hannah Barron) and the other (Whitney Hayes) gets killed by a speeding car in his cul-de-sac. Jonathan who longs for a friend, keeps the dead girl on ice as he listens to his co-worker (Elisha Yaffe) tell him daily fantastic tales of sex. Jackie Hoffman is a neighbor who helps Jonathan a man who doesn't realize he has a condition.The body of the girl decays creating issues for Jonathan who dislikes germs and bugs. As the girl decays, so does Jonathan's life, in general, as it disrupts his routine of work, medication, and nightmares. The director wanted to make us feel the obsessive routine of Jonathan by re-creating the same scene multiple times with the same effect, including the two girls who are at the same place at the same time everyday saying the same thing. It was a bit over kill. Rob Zabrecky did an excellent job in his role catching the crazed Anthony Perkins/ Crispin Glover type of performance. However this was not exactly horror or thriller. It was art house repetition, expansion by parallelism. While the film was made and performed in an excellent manner, the lack of a well paced linear plot made the film low entertainment. I am sure it will have its fans.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
View MoreI like dark movies. I am drawn to them like moths to a flame. But they have to have substance. They either need to be thought provoking, scary, or at the very least, suspenseful. This was none of the above. It was a drama - not a thriller. If you want jitters, watch "Love Object". This was not scary, nor did it have that campy humor of some dramadies (except for the first five minutes - talk about unlucky women). He was not creepy - just sad. But not quite enough to be heartbreaking. He was ill, but not frightening, as our beloved Normal Bates and Buffalo Bill were. I liked the actor - it was just a bad movie. It was also incredibly depressing, just the entire feel of it. Pass. Pass. Pass. (count to 30).
View MoreThis movie nailed it! I've watched it twice and plan to view it a third. The truly beautiful and tragic depiction of loneliness displayed in this movie is utterly heartbreaking. Mad props to the filmmakers and cast for their engrossing telling of this story.Don't listen to the others wanting "junk food" from their movies. This is a grown-up movie for intelligent adults. Thank you for having the courage to give us a glimpse into a truly troubled mind. But most of all thank you for not submitting us to the tropes of other so-called "horror movies".Sometimes there is more horror, pain and loneliness in ones own subconscious than a stupid CG monster jumping out of the bushes.
View MoreI love to watch non-mainstream movies. This was not one to watch. I understand the character's problems, but everything was left to one's own imagination. The attempt to thrill you had you question a lot of the movie, but the final last minutes left me curious. I would recommend watching it only to hear your opinion but I don't suggest it. I rated it a 1 out of 10...I wish it could have been higher...the movie really had potential but failed to deliver. If you enjoyed the movie I would like to know why? I really liked the main character...he did a fine job of his role. Again, this movie was very creative in the plot, but I couldn't justify giving it a better rating.
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