Deep Evil
Deep Evil
| 25 June 2004 (USA)
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An alien microbe lands in remote Siberia in the 1950's. In the year 2004, US scientist working at a top secret underground lab in Alaska clone the microbe. A garbled distress signal is heard from the lab just before a complete lock down of the facility. This is the last word sent out from the scientists. A team of scientists and military personnel are in charge of finding out what went wrong.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


just watch it!


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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What keeps Deep Evil just about afloat are the creepy first half-hour and the good creature design(The Creature from the Black Lagoon comparison is definitely apt). The acting is also competent, nobody is terrible but nobody apart from Lorenzo Lamas perhaps stands out either. Deep Evil however was the sort of movie that started off with promise but went in a downward spiral very quickly. There is nothing interesting about how it looks, how it's shot is dully lit with a use of bland colours. And most of the special effects are generically coloured and look as though they were constructed in a rush at last minute. The music doesn't drive the movie at all, in fact it is a very lifeless soundtrack and is just forgettable at the end of the day. The dialogue is very turgid stuff, full of tiresome clichés and full of lines that make you go "what do they mean by that?" How the actors managed to keep a straight face or not look embarrassed is quite an accomplishment. The story is often slow to the point of boredom, and is predictable and like Alien mixed with The Thing but with hardly any of the suspense, thrills or nail-biting horror. The deaths are generally weak, in number and how they're played, and the alien(s) are not threatening in the least and are developed and characterised very poorly. The science and the depiction of the military will raise eyebrows and even annoy/anger people. There is very little interesting about the characters and you don't care for a single one. To conclude, not bad to start with but from half-an-hour in it's very bad. 3/10 Bethany Cox

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Theo Robertson

One interesting thing about this TVM is that it was filmed in 14 days . This is the only time the adjective " interesting " will be appearing in relation to DEEP EVIL . It also gives a hint as to what sort of quality you should expect from this type of film . Quickly written , quickly produced and quickly filmed the only thing that doesn't fly by quickly is the film itself . Two hours of your life you'll never get back ? It seems a lot longer than two hours sitting through this As in these type of horror/sci-fi TVMs the intellectual and artistic parisonmy is matched by the budget . Once the military/scientific team are given their mission they spend a large proportion of the running time walking down a dark corridor waving torches . I don't know if it it was my imagination but this sequence seemed to last for 20 minutes and in order to impress the audience the characters spout such Oscar winning dialogue such as : " Everyone thinks I'm a lesbo " and " No way was that officer's daughter jailbait . Shee was eighteen or nineteen at least " If you're expecting a low/no budget remake of ALIENS you'll be disappointed because this is a very dialogue heavy type of story where not much happens What makes it more irritating is how exposition is given out to the plot . If you've read the plot summary on this page it tells you all you have to know as to how the story plays out

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I read the reviews here before watching this movie, so I was prepared for a crapper bomb, its not.There is a Si-Fi blight right now so I am forced to take what I can get.None of the actors are very good, but no one sucked either. The special affects ranged from poor,buckets of watered down slim dropping onto the ground, to pretty neat, the aliens them self.Everything about this movie screams cable TV and that is what it was...go in with the attitude that this is about the quality of say "Chupacabra: Dark Seas " and you may enjoy it too.Minor Spoiler...One scene I did like was when Lamas got his spine torn out.The basic story can be read by the reviews above or below mine.No point in rehashing it for you again.

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Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*"Deep Evil" is yet another alien in a lab movie. I've only seen about a hundred of these flicks. What's one more? Lamas and friends are sent to secure the aforementioned lab. It is there that they will meet their B-movie destiny. Apparently those crazy scientists have done it again and cloned an alien to turn it into some kind of super weapon. The Lamas gang will have to use all of their military training and hardware if they want to leave this lab alive. Sounds pretty standard doesn't it? There's one big problem though. Two words: Alien Water. They made an alien water monster? No, no, no, oh no...Yes, it's true. "Deep Evil" manages to be one of the lamest alien in a lab movies I've ever seen. That's a bold statement. So the scientists thought it would be pretty cool if they could make a water monster. They got a couple of drops from outer space and started playing around with it. That might have been a good idea for the scientists but why did the filmmakers think it was worth anything? A water monster? Are you kidding me? How lame can you get? There are actually scenes of the soldiers shooting puddles of water. If that's not a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.Soon the filmmakers realize their error and try to make up for it by actually having some monsters in their monster movie. First they spring for some water spiders and then they actually splurge and whip out some aliens. Unfortunately, it all comes too late. "Deep Evil" had already passed the point of disaster by the time the aliens came out to play. This is one alien in a lab flick that needs to be skipped.

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