R | 01 June 1980 (USA)
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A woman is gang-raped in a horse's stable, and even though the rapists are caught and imprisoned, she is harassed many moons later by ghastly visions of her tormentors, while her husband philanders and every little thing frightens her out of her wits.


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

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Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Linda Rodgers is gang-raped while tending to her horses at a boarding stable. Disturbed by the brutal attack, Linda's grip on reality becomes increasingly weakened, propelling her into a psychotic break in which she enacts bloody revenge.This lackluster and tacky "I Spit on Your Grave" knockoff seems to be striving to be a psychological character study, but the script, direction, and performances never really get it to that point. There is little in the way of narrative; the film inexplicably begins virtually in medias res as Linda is raped at a horse stable, and the remainder of the film feels like a series of stitched-together scenes that never propel the plot forward.Uninventive, dry camera-work leaves the film feeling visually bland, which is another major detraction; the least one could hope for is an at least mildly aesthetically pleasing film, but sadly that is not the case. The performances are far from great, although I don't think they are quite as bad as some may have suggested—by eighties low-budget horror standards, they are more or less average. Sallee Young plays the tortured protagonist and is on and off the mark, playing her psychosis scenes in an exaggerated childlike pose; in spite of its imperfections, her performance is weirdly disturbing. Porn star Harry Reems plays her unfaithful husband and is somewhat memorable, while a series of unknown actors play her thug rapists. The conclusion is considerably disturbing, though it also plods along at the same pace as the rest of the picture.Overall, "Demented" is a cheap and tacky effort, and an obvious attempt to capitalize on the rape-and-revenge popularity after "I Spit on Your Grave." It's a technical hodgepodge, marred by lazy cinematography and a weak, single-note script. That said, Young's performance is notably twisted, and the film does attain a dreary and disconcerting atmosphere. It's not a gem, but it's also not quite as terrible as some may lead you to believe. 4/10.

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***SPOILERS*** In spite of getting top billing in this film by the IMDb porn actor Harry Reems, as Matt Rogers, is in the film credits as Bruce Gilchrist in an obvious effort to hide his identity from the both public and movie credits in not hurting the films box office returns. In an updated version of the 1960 film "The Silent Spring" we had Linda Rogers get gang raped by these four silk stocking hooded creeps while feeding her pet horse that lands her in a sanitarium for some two years. Being released and into the arms of her cheating husband Matt her life never improves with Matt not paying the attention to her that she so desperately needs.Going out at all times of the day and night on emergency calls, Matt's a doctor,and leaving Linda behind and alone he's really involved in a passionate relationship with Carol whom he met while Linda was away at the sanitarium. It's on Halloween eve that three neighborhood teenagers decide to brake into the Roger's house and do some trick and treating on Linda with her husband, as usual, away on an emergency call to his secret lover Carol. It's here that the film's story falls completely apart in trying to imitate the movie 'The Silent Spring" in that the three teens, as nuts and ridicules as they are, had nothing to do with Linda getting gang raped: But ends up getting theirs-In spades-from Linda for someone else's crimes committed against her!***SPOILERS*** The three teens who brake into Linda's house end up getting both captured tortured as well as murdered by her who in one case she forces one of them to eat the cooked liver of one of her victims: That's before she blew him away with a shotgun as he was begging, while tied up, for his life. As we already knew the rapists who ravaged Linda at the start of the film were captured and are now behind bars which made Linda's revenge killings of the three brainless but innocent-in not raping her-teens no sense at all. As for Matt his crime of infidelity didn't go unnoticed with a wild eyed and demented Linda waiting for him when he came home from his latest house call.

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Demented opens with a bang—or to be more accurate, a gang bang—with a harsh pre-credits sequence that sees doctor's wife Linda Rodgers (Sallee Elyse) being attacked by four men wearing stocking masks, vicious sex beasts who rip open her blouse, pull off her panties, and proceed to pass her around like candy. It's a powerful, no-nonsense opener, one that successfully drives home the true horror of rape. After that, one is really rooting for the gal to get revenge, which she does. Sort of...After a brief spell in a sanatorium, Linda returns home but clearly isn't over her ordeal, suffering from nightmarish visions and panic attacks. Frequently left on her own at night by her unfaithful husband Dr. Matt (Harry Reems, best known for his XXX porn/roughie movies), who has been saving his best bedside manner for aspiring actress Carol (Kathryn Clayton), Linda's grip on reality begins to slip, and when a gang of teens play a cruel prank on her in her home, she confuses them for her rapists and makes for the nearest meat cleaver.A rather obscure rape/revenge tale, Demented starts strongly and has all the ingredients for a sleazy exploitation classic but fails for two reasons: a) big breasted star Sallee Elyse obviously wasn't hired for her acting ability, and her awful acting and shrill delivery seriously grate on the nerves, and b) the ending is undeniably nasty in tone (Linda whips one poor boy's wedding tackle off with a wire), but isn't anywhere near as graphic as it could have been (the aforementioned meat-and-two-veg/wire incident is completely bloodless) and ultimately proves disappointing.

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A home movie masquerading as a video film and one which gives bad movies a bad name. I had this given so I didn't waste any money on renting it.I only made it to the end because I was curious to how much worse it could get. The rapists weren't the same one who were the neighbourhood youths so it was not even as if the woman got her revenge on the right people. The acting was no more than you could expect if you brought in people from the street,stuck cue cards in front of them and took it from there. Why do they make these kind of movies which copy ideas from others and copy them badly? This one doesn't even make it as comedy. The storyline is the most hackneyed in the world of horror with not one original line.A woman is gang raped,the rapists are in jail-though after the rape you never saw them again-the husband is having an affair,the wife is having nightmares.Nothing that doesn't happen in real life. The lines are pathetic: "please don't don't do this oh don't PLEASE...." Screams that are totally unconvincing,as if she's just seen a mouse.

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