Demon Under Glass
Demon Under Glass
| 20 June 2002 (USA)
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The city of Los Angeles is being terrorized by a serial killer who preys on youthful females and bleeds them dry after abusing them. With no calling card, no tangible forensic evidence and a growing list of victims, a specialty force made up of highly skilled authorities is called in. When one of their own goes in to trap the killer, will she come out alive, or will the killer have the upper hand?


A different way of telling a story

Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Stolen Dreamer

First, I must admit to being a Vampire!slut. It must be in my blood, (bad pun). I'd read about Demon Under Glass a few years ago and had completely forgotten until yesterday when I found it on sale.Now - in all fairness - it isn't a terrible movie, obviously low budget, but I'd expected that. The acting was enjoyable; face it kiddies, Simon stole the show. I also appreciated the character McKay and his struggles with violating his Hippocratic Oath, this is especially apparent when Simon rips off his caduceus toward the end. Dr. Bassett (Jack Donner) had a fairly interesting role throughout the film that was overshadowed, on my part, by my preoccupation as to where in the bloody world I'd seen his face before.My only criticism is that the movie was a bit too slow and the police officer's involvement seemed superficial at best. Also, it was terribly apparent to me that it was Simon who was the puppet master; a creature of survival, in his own words. Nonetheless, the minor blood play, brief sexual activity, and wonderful moment where Simon *dips* Joe McKay in an embrace that positively screamed 'gothic romance novel' had me beaming (unfortunately t'was only a dream).Overall, if you're interested in the subject matter... I'd say it's worth the 111 minutes.

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An excellent premise. I loved the whole concept but I have gotta say it STANK! The actors in the leads (Jason Carter and Garett Maggert) are WONDERFUL actors and I hope they get to do some other movie together. However, this movie was worse than the worst B movie. It actually made YOR:Hunter From The Future look good! It should be noted that this independent production was written directed and produced by fans of these 2 actors. It was a first attempt. and looked it. There weren't any production values to speak of. Sorry guys. It should also be noted that at least one of these actors does NOT like discussing his role in it. Acting rather embarrassed to be associated with it.

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I had the opportunity to see Demon Under Glass (DUG) in DVD and, nevertheless that it is a movie of "Independent Cinema", of very low budget, I really liked the movie, and also to other 3 people that did it with me. The plot is very interesting, the music is stupendous and the performances of most of the actors are good, inclusive that of some secondary actors as that of the actor that interpreted Mr. Smith. The initial scene of when the vampire strangles the scientist it could have been more convincing, but the plot of the movie catches the public from the beginning until the end. The scene nudist is not offensive and when the scene of the dream began, fairly I thought that it was that, a dream, without me to know it before. In general, the movie is very good, of much suspense, without exaggerated violence and it is not bloody. The performance of Garett Maggart is magnificent, very natural, showing his big histrionic qualities once again. I don't like movies of vampires a lot (only the classics) but this movie has a very interesting plot, not conventional, and the end stays in suspense, achieving the public to wait for more.

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I was pleasantly surprised by Demon Under Glass. From the very first scene to the last, I felt that the characters were engaging (and especially liked the vampire!) and the story line intriguing.Things I enjoyed about Demon include: the easy navigation from the DVD's on-screen menu as well as the behind the scenes feature, the excellent editing, the talented actors, the fact that there were always fresh donuts for the doctors, and the list goes on!Although the music may have overridden the dialogue in a couple of brief scenes, the editing was very well done and allowed you to follow the action easily. I feel that the editing made Demon very enjoyable to watch.Overall, I feel this movie is worth purchasing and viewing.especially on that dark and stormy night when you want something a little creepy to watch.Thumbs up to the cast and crew of Demon Under Glass!

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