R | 12 February 2015 (USA)
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A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.


Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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After reading some of the previous reviews I didn't know what to expect but I decided to watch this movie with an open mind. I found myself agreeing with most of the reviews that called this film unexpectedly enjoyable. I'll describe it as "Paranormal Activity" meets "Usual Suspects". Just sit back and give this little gem a looksie and odds are you will not be too disappointed.

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Michael Ledo

Skeptical detective Mark Lewis (Frank Grillo) and his girlfriend police psychologist (Maria Bello) investigate the gruesome murders at the Martha Livingston house in Louisiana. They appear to be copy cat murders from an event from 1988. John (Dustin Milligan) who was found still alive in the house is undergoing questioning while two people are still missing.The story as to what happened is told as a subplot as John slowly recalls. A group of paranormal investigators was in the house. It included his girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend, so there is some tension. Some of the flashback segment is hand held, but not the bad kind where all we see are feet and hear people say, "What was that?" The script drops all kinds of clues as to what might be going on and they finally come together at the end. I liked the film. It seemed every time things started to slow up a bit, they smartly switched scenes. Yes, it was partially hand held camera and there was a seance, but yet it seemed fresh.Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. Megan Park announces that she is the film's eye candy, but we don't get to see much of her

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Ignore the convoluted plot and the history of the narrative, and you have just another haunted house movie where silly young kids who think they are the next big thing get killed off one by one by someone who may be possessed.But add the acting chops of Grillo and Bello, and it takes the film from the mundane into something that is a little bit better than it has the right to be.So to cut a mundane story short, someone believes that a certain house is calling them, so a rag tag team is assembled and plan to do a seance to awake the spirits in the house.There is an element of found footage meeting Rashomon, but that's where the similarities to that film end. We go back and forth to the footage that was filmed, and the interrogation between one of the characters and Bello's Psychologist.And that's it really, we have the obligatory jump scares, people walking around dark corridors looking scared, and an ending that tries to emulate The Usual Suspects.Grillo and Bello are fine making the most of a poor script, but you couldn't care less about the selfish kids who try to summon the spirits.It could have been something quite entertaining, as the story does have potential, but it's executed poorly.

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This is exactly the kind of film where most of the time they really don't pull it off very well. There are literally a MILLION ways to screw up a movie like this (and they usually do...) But with this film, I can say quite honestly, especially towards the end, that I was really caught up in it and found it very gripping and entertaining.I don't know WHAT the hell is up with the reviews here for this movie being wildly all over the place, from gushing '10's to 1 star 'This is typical crap found footage stuff' Well, in my lowly and wretched opinion, I truly felt that this film was very good. I think what really made this movie is how effective the ending was. To me, the strongest element of this film was the editing and the excellent way they went back and forth between when the group was in the house and during the police investigation right afterward. It nicely built up a very real tension and suspense as the story was entering it's final act.Seriously, this kind of film USUALLY is a low budget affair that has really poor acting and isn't put together very well. But, this one, although starting off rather slowly and in a somewhat average way, builds to what I feel is a very strong and effective finish. Just before watching this movie, I tried to watch another Supernatural Thriller called 'A HAUNTING AT SILVER FALLS' (2013) and was it ever BAD! Amateur all the way. Many usually are. This one was quite a bit better than most others of it's type. The acting wasn't anything stellar, but it was solid and THANKFULLY not overdone and mind-numbingly STUPID like it usually is with films like this.And, NO... this is most definitely NOT just another boring 'Found Footage' film. I don't even like most of those and I am NOT a fan of them per se. YES, there are BRIEF elements where the footage is shown concerning some of the things that happened while the group was in the house, but OVERALL it plays like a straight forward Supernatural Thriller. And, although James Wan did not direct this film, I think that you could definitely feel his fingerprints all over it. Especially in the 3rd act of the movie. Not giving anything away of course, but the way the momentum builds towards the end while the final Mystery is being revealed was somewhat similar to the way 'DEAD SILENCE' was done. In my opinion, very dramatic and effective.With Supernatural Thrillers particularly, I feel that it is EXTREMELY vital to put them together in such a way where they somehow suspend your disbelief and REALLY put you right there in the middle of what is happening. And, in order to do that, you REALLY have to know what you are doing to be able to craft the story in a way that will actually be effective. This one is not amazingly groundbreaking or anything, but if you do like these types of Supernatural Thrillers (it seems like there are THOUSANDS of them out there!) this movie is better than most because it is put together in a way that makes it more entertaining and effective than most...

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