Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
An action-packed slog
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
View MoreThe Plot = A young girl is murdered, but thought by the police as suicide, a group of college students decide to make a suicide pact, but a masked killer decides to kill them all off one by one instead.I only recently come across this movie, as before I have never heard of it despite it being quite recent only coming out last year and starring some well known UK actors, well I read some reviews online about it and it seems they are mixed at best, but I decided I wanted to see it anyway. And when I saw it, to be honest I actually liked it, despite obvious flaws and the generic feel to it."Demons Never Die" offers nothing new to the horror genre or anything spectacular but in my opinion works as an overall slasher. Although it is stupid that the police thinks that these deaths are suicide with blood splattered across walls and bodies hollowed out, I mean how can a person gut themselves literally, and the fact that these teens are planning a suicide pact anyway seems to throw the logic of a masked killer, killing them off a bit pointless. Although the knife attacks are quite fun as the cast are cut down, and the teens are quite interesting to follow and they did grow on me as the movie went on. The end party scene was also fun and elaborate, and I did enjoy the night vision camcorder scenes, I thought that it built on the suspense. And there are also some stupid fun campy slasher movie moments like when the party hostess finds a dead body in kitchen and runs past her friends and outside in the bushes ready and waiting to be killed, a camp moment kinda brings back memories from "The House On Sorority Row". The twist ending when the killer was revealed was also a bit of a shock and certainly took me by surprise, a factor that I always love in these types of movies.The performances as I have mentioned before are really good, although I found Ashley Walters performance as the cop rather unconvincing and he just seemed bored all the way through. But Robert Sheehan and Jennie Jacques as Archie and Jasmine were spot on, I found that they're romance sub plot sweet and believable, and plus I found these two were the most likable and most interesting performances in this movie. Emma Rigby who I used to love in Hollyoaks wasn't given enough screen time in this and plus her character was poorly developed but she did okay with what she was given. Jason Maza also did well as the unlikeable character, but he did seem like a left over from "Kidulthood". Reggie Yates gave a unmemorable performance as the coppers partner, to be honest anyone could have played that part. Jack Doolan as the fat kid was quite likable and felt happy when he popped his cherry. And Tulisa as the opening victim Amber, was a bit uneven for me, and was only on screen for about 2 seconds, they should have had a Scream type bloody murder which would have set the tone then for the movie.All in all Demons Never Die is Scream meets Kidulthood, a fun but generic British slasher movie that should please any fans, but there are a lot better out there.
View MoreI was really looking forward to this mainly because of the presence of Robert Sheehan. Then as I sat through this mess It dawned on me that this was no Horror, In fact it was........a Rubbish drama with no plot, no substance and certainly no surprises. I don't know who would enjoy this film, certainly no one who was conned in to watching it based on the write up. I was tempted to add some spoilers to make my points, however that would raise more questions than answers as I didn't really understand the ending myself. So if you are curious wait until copies of the DVD are available from the bargain bins or charity shops, believe me you won't have long to wait.
View Moreit's essentially an unwise billet-doux to no-budget slasher flicks, bolted on to some "urban" vagary. first time director writer Arjun Rose was a city trader... and it shows. He demonstrates little in the way of ability with this debut. Directing a not unserviceable cast with all the panache of a go-compare ad,there's every possible cliché you could imagine, used badly,and the character arcs barely register above flat-line throughout the entire film. there's enough bad cinema around with the likes of " fond of shiny things with no narrative" Michael bay and co, we don't need another. but that's being harsh to bay, demons never die makes transformers 3 look like Kubrick.
View MoreThis film has made me re-think my opinion of Vanilla Sky as a rubbish film. The reported budget of £1,000,000 is as far-fetched as the plot of the film. Even Tulisa appears to have devoted no more than her lunch break from X Factor judging by the amount of time she is in it. With a line up of up and coming actors and a producer in Idris Elba, one would be forgiven for thinking that we should be watching a bit more than an extended music promo, with no real plot and void of realism and direction. I am a fan of British low budget films, but with Demons Never Die they were trying far too hard to paper over the cracks using a superb sound track. Even if you don't expect very much from watching this film, you will still be disappointed. Buying the sound track on CD is a far better option.
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