Detective Downs
Detective Downs
| 25 October 2013 (USA)
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Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Tyreece Hulme

One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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I had heard great things about this movie, so I was very excited. but the disappointment was great when I finally got the opportunity to see it. I can safely say that this is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot movies. The story is bad and seems like it could have been written by a child. The dark and depressed mood of the film along with the constant tragic music, made ​​the experience a terrible nightmare. This was one hour and 48 minutes wasted of my life. How can anyone spend money on creating something so bad? I can not find words to explain how bad this movie is. I recommend anyone who wants a new "worst movie I've ever seen" to see this movie.

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Eivind Tjensvoll

This movie is a first :) - Dealing with downs by having the main character of a film noir detective story having downs syndrome. Excellently done. It has got good laughs and it is a 'feel good' movie for Christmas time or anytime you want/need a remainder to love and feel loved and all of that stuff... Detective Downs' method is being sensitive... In a "though" film noir world, this method is not so easy to get recognition for. It's not making it easier having downs syndrome. Of course this is challenging us in our view and treatment of people having challenging appearances/being disabled physically or mentally. A call to take everyone seriously, but done softly and with humor. But on it's own, it's funny and warm! And like nothing you have ever seen!

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Tor Fjeldstad

This movie is an absurd movie that made me laugh, cry and think in a way that movies seldom do. It is a parody of the Hard Boiled Detective genre done in way that I find almost perfect done. Many times it balances on an edge, but does always fall elegant down on the right side. The story in it self is not big literature, but as a movie plot it works well, especially since the surprises are many, and the colorful characters. The characters is all slightly parodic, but not over the edge, and he actors fill their role very well. Bogerud as Detektiv Downs, does a wonderful job, has a room to play in that gives him credit. The music fits the movie well. I guess this is a movie that will turn out the be even better by seeing more that one time. On of the best movies I've seen.

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Detective Downs has a difficult idea to film, and just like Bård Breiens "The art of negative thinking", which also was dealing with what we could call human defects (mental institution), this has trouble filling the shoes of the idea.The film uses inspiration from a lot of classic movies and TV-series like Pink Panther, Agathon Sax and Film Noir crime stories.Most likely you will think this is funny, but with a little bad after taste in your mouth. I found the start good, but that the film fail, especially on the emotional side of it, and also in some of the light weight acting as well as with the manuscript. The story is in no way believable. I've seen this much better done in other Norwegian films dealing with special persons: Elling (all the three films) and Alt for Egil, which were charm bombs.Detective Downs is about Robert Bogerud, a grown up young man with downs syndrome. his father is a detective, but suffering with grief after losing his wife, and the mother of Robert. Robert want's to be a detective like his father is, in the police, except he has to be a private investigator, inspired by Humphrey Bogarts detective characters. The only thing. No one will hire him when they discover he has downs. They think it's all a joke.And there's the main problem with the film. Because it's all a joke. Too much so. Also the plot of the story, but when Robert finally gets a case, then it's because he has downs. I'd like to see a film not dealing with the question so easily. OK that it's a comedy, and many scenes in the film are up right funny. so is some of the dialog.But why does everyone have to treat Robert like he's a retard? He isn't, but the film seems to hold on to that theory too much for my like.If you manage to see this as only a light weight comedy, you most likely will enjoy it due to the many laughs it gives. Still I think it's too easy to both get bored, dislike the story as well as choking on the laughs.I don't like the plot. A film like this had deserved a better story. And still it could be just as funny, or even funnier. So this film comes out just like the first of Bård Breien films. He will get appraisals in some corners of the film milieu, and deservedly so. Still I think his manuscript would have had good of treatment by others in a more professional manner. A good try, which fails emotionally.

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