one of my absolute favorites!
Good concept, poorly executed.
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
View MoreThrough painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
View MoreHow do I know that Alex Jones is for real? I know this because the mainstream media here in Canada criticizes him. On average I think that Americans are friendlier than Canadians, maybe because they haven't been under British rule for a long time.Now here's the gist.This is another in a series of quite popular films by Alex Jones which attempt to reveal the plans of the globalists. Is it worth watching? You bet it is, but keep in mind that the film is meant to educate Americans. Jones is no Michael Moore when it comes to documentary filmmaking, but his films are quite good. The information he reveals, however, is much more important than what Moore talks about. In his films Moore doesn't question the official version of events but Alex Jones does. What's revealed in Endgame is sinister. If you know real history, however, it's not really surprising. As much as I like Jones's radio show he's not the only source of information that I have about the goings-on of the Western elite. One important thing that I know about Anglo-Saxons is that they're good chess players when it comes to global politics and economics. If you add to them the Jewish elite then they become one seriously cunning and formidable force. Actually, the alliance between Anglo-Saxons and Jews dates back to Queen Victoria's time. It was then that the English agreed to intermarriage between the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish elites. I'm not an anti-Semite but facts are facts. It's quite possible that the Mossad played an important role in the 9/11 attacks. When it was founded the United States used to be independent of these people. But over time, and especially during the 20th century, America came under the influence of the British. In many ways America is now the strong arm of the global elite. Their plans for a global government are quite something, but recently I've been hearing that this scheme may not actually work. Even if it doesn't work what's currently going on isn't good for America or the world. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union the Western elite don't even have to try anymore. In some ways the existence of the USSR was seriously beneficial for ordinary people in the West. But now the elite often don't conceal their intentions, with one individual saying that he'd like to be reborn as a virus that can kill most of the world's population. The Western elite, or the 1%, live in their own world, and nowadays they have nothing in common with the 99%.I like the theory of civilizations, which is explained by Carroll Quigley in his books. A world government would certainly be beneficial for the corporatocracy. These days Western capitalists just can't accumulate wealth like they used to. China certainly gave them a helping hand by becoming their workshop and creditor, and if the situation in China becomes unstable then they can move their business to India. India is, in many ways, the ideal place for exploitation because there have been very few peasant revolts there. This is because of India's caste system. India is the most fascist state in the world, and an Indian of one class has no hope of becoming a member of a higher class. Anyway, for now the plan is to reduce the world's population by 90% and to reduce the level of education so that the world would be a lot easier to govern with a global dictatorship. There will be 150-200 agglomerations where life will be sweet, and between them will be spaces where even cannibals could live. Even if this frightening scheme doesn't work then we may still get a Universal Empire in which the United States will rule most of Western Civilization.
View MoreI am a fan of Alex Jones and his effort to inform the public and document the problems with our government on all levels. However, this documentary seems to lose some of the elements that gave the previous "Terrorstorm" documentary DVD much more impact.It is hard to put my finger on why "Endgame" lacks the same ability to capture attention while providing important information, but it was a little disappointing in that regard. Maybe it was the point that although things are bad in regard to the disconnect between the US Constitution, the Geneva Convention, common sense, and how government actually operates, there has been an underlying hopefulness that constitutional government and sanity could be restored. Maybe the implied message has changed with "Endgame", that we have reached a point of no return now having to go through a period of real depression and pain before things can start to improve.More and more patriots that I respect seem to have concluded that the American people are not going to be motivated to get the criminals out of government without a real slap in the face to wake them up from their delusions. People still accept the lies we are being presented as the "official" story, churches still support a corrupt government to keep their tax free income, politicians are still being bought, and tax dollars are still being used to fund special interests instead of the best interests of the people. There is no one able to overcome the mass media bias against anyone offering real solutions to ending the Establishment's grip on the levers sending us down a dangerous corrupt path.Now that bank "bail-outs" are used as excuses to rob Americans blind, and the two party system fails to provide solutions the end may be near, one way or another. Can these corrupt activities be reversed once the truth is finally confronted and the denial ends? It looks like one large bitter pill ahead.
View MoreHaving just watched Endgame I thought I would share a few thoughts with you all. Firstly the doco is well made, most of Jone's work is. And it certainly covers an interesting topic. However I must confess that it failed to convince me in any way that the "elite" whoever "they" are are planning to wipe out 80% of humanity while they live on forever in paradise, it all sounds like a b-grade sci-fi horror film to me.For one thing as I pointed out earlier Jones fails to even tell us exactly who the "New World Order" are. He continually uses vague words like "The Elite" and "Them" and "They" so Its impossible to know exactly who he is talking about. He also fails to gave any evidence at all as to how exactly 80% of the worlds population is to be wiped out, how the rest are to be herded into huge cities, or how the elite are going to live forever. He just gives us a few jingles about genetics.It's hard to know if Jones is onto something or if the guy is just paranoid. I consider myself to have an open mind, however an open mind still requires facts, Jones fails to deliver. I will however continue to watch the power brokers around the world and will certainly keep an eye open for any major calamity heading our way. If Jones wants to convince free thinking informed people that Armageddon is just around the corner he is going to have to do a lot better than this.
View MoreThis documentary is truly a masterpiece of investigative journalism. If it were not for the obstructionist policies of the global elite I am sure that it would be in the running for one, if not two or three, Pulitzer prizes. In this review I will be covering two main areas, firstly, the structure and set up of the documentary itself, before discussing the content, and my views, thoughts etc.Firstly, the documentary itself. It is obviously scrupulously researched, as is shown by the wide variety of archival, historical and even anecdotal evidence shown in this film, a snip at two hours. The number of experts is also impressive; the main guy they use (whose name I forget) has a doctorate in Forestry Science or some such, and this discipline obviously gives him a unique insight into history, economics, politics, and all kinds of things that you wouldn't have thought would be contained in a field which consists of studying the environment and suchlike.They also have a journalist called Joe Tucker or something; don't let his shaking body and voice, and his rampant alcoholism fool you, this guy is sharp. Some of the comments he makes chilled me to the bone. Also, his habit of wearing a hat in all weathers, in all environments, and even inside, is a sign of his intellect I suppose.There was an economist mentioned as well, but according to google he doesn't exist, so instead I'll discuss what I like to call the "unnamed experts", that Mr Jones encountered on the street. These guys knew what was up, they aren't sheep like you and I, they know the score.The filming style was also good, interspersing pictures of modern day people with greedy bankers and evil dictators was a nice touch, thus showing the inextricable links between these two groups of seemingly unrelated people. Also, the man doing the voice over should win an Oscar, the way he managed to sound so disinterested and also bland is incredible, and helped to add an air of objectivity to the proceedings.So, now on to the content. Firstly, the evidence used was an extraordinary mix. From using contemporary etchings and paintings to prove their historical interpretations, to using a fat guy who says "I was there". Stunning, a veritable cornucopia of positive reinforcement. In my opinion baseless assertions have been given far too little recognition in mainstream documentaries, it is about time they were given a greater role. Alex Jones is the man to do this. Why sully the affair with such vulgar things as "facts" and "evidence". These are all provided by the "man" anyway, and the people at Bilderberg.To conclude, this is a must see. How else will you be able to warn all your friends about the inexorable approach of the New World Order, who want to kill all but 500 million of us (the rest will have their organs harvested) because some large rocks say so.
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