| 07 April 2017 (USA)
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Fallen Trailers

A humanizing look at line-of-duty police deaths across the country, and how these losses effect those close to the fallen, as well as the communities they serve.


One of the best films i have seen


Memorable, crazy movie


Let's be realistic.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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I just watched Fallen on Netflix. I'm glad it is reaching more viewers. With all the anti-cop narrative out there this is a refreshing break from it and shows the humanity of dedicated officers. I like how Thomas Marchese's story was woven into the movie even to his surprise. He is one of the good guys. I hope he continues in his artistic pursuits although no longer on the force. The Force will always be with him and others like him.

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I hope to see this again in the theater and will buy the video when available. I was involved with some of the stories included in the video and appreciated seeing them from the film crews perspective. I found the way they covered it was accurate. The directors wife's comments in the film were memorable.

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