PG-13 | 28 October 1988 (USA)
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Ellie DeWitt and Janis Zuckermann are admitted to the very strict FBI Training Academy. They get a hard course, in which they learn to deal with guns and to recognise crimes. They also get a physical training. It appears that Ellie is a real fighting- machine, in contrast with Janis, the great student. They have to help each other, all the way to graduation.


One of the worst movies I've ever seen


How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


I normally don't out any 10's in movie's. I think the godfather maybe got a 10 from me. And i think thats the best movie of all time. But that is the godfather. There were plenty of movies about the Italian mob that was out. There is nothing like this movie period. You check the trivia for this movie and it credits policy academy with being the start of these so called rookie training police force comedy's. I can see that but it quickly is not the same.Don't get me wrong rebecca D isn't even in the same league as beauty as kim catrall was in the 80's. I don't care how good kim's acting was, she was fine. But with that said rebecca also showed some toughness in this movie which is more like comedy. Now the real killer her is the brunette. She killed it. When I first watched this in 1988 all I heard was about rebecca cause she was a star then. But the brunette really made this movie funny. Every scene she was in she delivered with precision from when they were trying on the dress told her "the only visit you are going to get is from the fashion police" to the part where rebecca's character said she failed a bunch of times and she told her "maybe you can write a book on it". It is much harder playing a nerd, then acting tough. I have never seen any woman pull off that role and make me like her as a person. Nor was she funny.Also to this was sort of an action comedy. If you watch movies like commando its action move turned into comedy from one liners. In this movie its just an comedy movie with some action. And the most important thing about this movie. There is women wanting to move forward in life and nobody is making men look stupid, or has to make anybody else look bad to portray women as people who can hold a job. You don't have to down others to achieve success. Sure she had to put a few men face to ground. But that is only after they were laughing at her, and it made you feel like "hey they deserved it"I'm so proud of the director for not trying to get a womans point of view on this. She just stuck to the topic of comedy and she actually mixed in action. Thats where I feel it differs from all the other police training movies. The action in those movies sucks. We have two women propelling from a building breaking out tear gas canisters, forging signatures of FBI agents? Need I say more, thats some mission impossible stuff right there. And they did with a smile and were funny. There is also a bar seen where shes trying to take home a sailor after slamming down many tequila shots. And no, the guy didn't take her home and sleep with her. No it doesn't make her seem victimized. It was just your typical woman I had too much to drink talking a lot and going home by herself cause her friend saved her and the guy typically as like "i'm good". Which usually is what always happens. But movies makes it seem like women are victims and every guy is out to bang every woman and not the other way around. Its okay Hollywood to show women as people who can make mistakes and make up their own mind and go own with their lives without accusing anybody else of anything.To all who said this movie was a waste of time. you are wrong. You can't and wont find a movie which is about 2 women getting ahead in life beating the odds which is funnier and has more action. And you wont find a better actor who played her part than the brunette.

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It may not win any awards as one of the all time greats. However it is a fun movie to watch. Sometimes you don't want a movie that you have to think about. Like I said it makes me laugh!

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Frederick Bailey

Leonard Maltin has this movie perfectly pegged with his 1/2 point rating. Rebecca De Mornay and Fred Thompson are much too good to be associated with a film of this caliber, which did not even come close to being anything comparable to a "Police Academy". Just to even watch the whole film tells you that I certainly did not have anything better to do.

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I love this movie. I own this movie. I watch this movie whenever I need a quick pick-me-up. Rebecca DeMornay and Mary Gross play off of each other so well (Rebecca's the "straight-man" and Mary's the comic relief.) The girls are trainees in the FBI Academy--chosen because of their gender rather than their skills. Ellie (Rebecca)is the ex-marine who has no trouble with the physical requirements but can't do the academics. Janice (Mary) is the multi-degreed academic standout who can't pass the physical tests. Teamed up as roommates, they are forced to work together so both can realize the dream of becoming a Special Agent. Good clean fun for the whole family. Enjoy!

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