Fight for Your Right Revisited
Fight for Your Right Revisited
R | 22 April 2011 (USA)
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Fight for Your Right Revisited stars Danny McBride, Seth Rogen, and Elijah Wood as the "young" Beastie Boys from the past and Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and Will Ferrell as the "old" Beastie Boys from the future. The story begins where the video for "Fight for Your Right (1987)" ended. It features music from the band's album Hot Sauce Committee Part Two.


Wow! Such a good movie.


What a waste of my time!!!


A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Horst in Translation (

Although this 30-minute movie may very well be a contender for the greatest cast ever quantity-wise, including a couple Academy Award winners/nominees, such as Susan Sarandon and Stanley Tucci playing spouses early on, this film never really managed to wow me. It was written and directed by Adam Yauch, not too long before his untimely death and shows the Beastie Boys experiencing some adventures and finally meeting an older version of themselves. None of them are played by the real ones, but they do have a cameo as cops near the end. Fans of the comedy show "Parks & Recreation" may enjoy this one as well as it features quite a few from the cast just like a whole lot other notable comedy actors and actresses.It's basically lots of chaos, yelling and battering. I failed to see any real artistic value in there, but it's kinda okay if you're in the mood for some harmless fun where you don't really have to think about what's going on and aren't we all sometimes?

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Olya Ivanova

I guess for someone who is not familiar with the band, this short might seem thuggish, corny and obnoxious; but for others who can relate to the band it is a hidden gem. Beastie boys and all the "extras" in this short is played by celebrities so it's fun to recognize who is who during the viewing. This video is very satirical and should not be taken seriously, it is just a reminder of the 80's era and the hip hop movement that really spun off during that time. A real blast from the past ;) I thought this short was hilarious and really well put together. I think the fans will definitely enjoy it.

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I was really looking forward to this short, and it wasn't a total let down, but let just say I was hoping for more. The star studded cast made one think that there was going to be a lot more going on than there was, and the jokes fell flat most of the time. This short starring Danny McBride, Elijah Wood, and Seth Rogen as the younger beastie boys, have a dance off with their older selfs. The older or possibly present day beastie boys are portrayed by Will Ferrel, John C Rielly, and Jack Black.The short is broken up in between sessions of mayhem, and rapping while walking down the street and raising hell towards all passerby's. There are brief periods of improvising, but it runs a little too long, and gets stale fast. The direction was pretty neat, and the added musical sequences were also an impressive touch. Unless you are a hardcore bestir boy fan, or are just interested in seeing which celebrity you can spot in this 30 min short I think you can do without it. looking forward to the new album though!

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"Fight for you right revisited" is a tongue-in-cheek look on the Beastie Boys' beginning. The story starts at the end of the '86 "Fight for your right" video, where they destroyed an apartment during a party and ends in a dance battle against a future version of themselves.Of course, the whole thing is silly as hell but hey, what did you expect? There are numerous cameos including Susan Sarandon, Steve Buscemi and a few uncredited ones (are you able to spot Orlando Bloom)? Even the real Beastie Boys make an appearance.To me this movie shows that the Beastie Boys are not afraid to showing where they come from (on a sidenote: They haven't played their biggest hit "fight for your right to party" since the 90s). They show us how silly they were back then. Congrats to them for inviting us to laugh with them!

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