Finish Line
Finish Line
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
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Minor league stock car racer Mitch Camponella gets closer to his NASCAR dreams when he's hired as private mechanic to a millionaire importer. But Mitch's ambition comes with a heavy price when he realizes that his new boss is a smuggler who's using Mitch as a pawn in a deadly illegal arms trade.


SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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Let's be realistic.

Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


Just a quick blurb since neither of the reviews spoke about the plot. The hero is a young guy that yearns to be a race-car driver yet gets caught up in the high-rolling lifestyle of a Beverly Hills man. Or some scenic 'Hills' where the rich bask in the glow of crystal blue pools and exotic cars. The high-roller flaunts his beautiful daughter with a 'look but don't touch' rule. It seems too good to be true for the young guy. And of course it is, when the hero finds out the real motives behind the high-roller. Then the road the young racer is headed down gains a few twists. This is a straight boobs mixed with action b-movie. I don't recall any nudity though. The exotic cars are not that hot. The action is pretty low-fi, with a couple car race scenes. The production value is also rather low, with many of the scenes centered around the mansion out in the Hills. But it pits good vs evil, and as an action guy it has that certain '3 AM and I can't sleep' appeal.

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Nick Damian

What a long way he has come...from the old Happy Days to here.Still looks like the same old Chachi...Scott Baio - finally cast as somebody not so nice.Well he wasn't overly mean either - he was just a little rougher than his boyish typecast personality in every other show.This is like Charles In Charge with a touch of a mean streak and a lot of money.Not a horrible movie, but has lots to be desired because the thugs and mean guys have no personality and the cops have little to do too.As for the daughter, sexy and sultry but really - does her character have to be so perfect looking but yet so bland? It's a Saturday afternoon movie - a time waster and yes - there are worse movies than this...even if it does have Scott Baio as a lead; it's still not overly horrible.

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Imran Ahmed

Boy oh boy, oh boy... I do mean it when I say these kind of movies are rarely made, because no one can make a movie as awful as this. After watching about 85mins, I am still wonder what the genre of the movie is, to be very honest they tried to make this movie to be romantic, crime, funny, racing and to be perfectly honest with you missed every mark.I am finding it very hard to rate this because there is nothing to it. Acting/Casting: 1/10 After watching this awful movie it is not hard to understand why Sam Page been around for years didn't get a decent break, Taylor Cole was pretty sexy but the acting was again terrible. Giving the 1 point for Scott Baio did a fair job (well awfully fair). Story/Screenplay: 1/10 There is nothing to it really a wanna be race driver gets caught up in smuggling business, I am only giving that 1 point for the effort. The genre of the movie is crime but I think you get more crime in superman cartoons.Direction/Dialog: 1/10, Dialogs are direction is so awful that I don't know why I am going it 1 point. Leaves a lot to be desired.

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