Food Evolution
Food Evolution
| 23 June 2017 (USA)
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As society tackles the problem of feeding our expanding population safely and sustainably, a schism has arisen between scientists and consumers, motivated by fear and distrust. Food Evolution, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, explores the polarized debate surrounding GMOs. Looking at the real-world application of food science in the past and present, the film argues for sound science and open-mindedness in a culture that increasingly shows resistance to both.


Too much of everything


just watch it!


Good concept, poorly executed.

Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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I have no idea why the film director decided to blatantly side with GMO's, and accept only the science that points to some benefits right now, and totally ignore the science that proves the very real and dangerous effects it will have on our planet and our health in the long run. I can't say the director was paid off by Monsanto or someone else of interest because I don't know, but the film did come off as if every frame from beginning to end was hand picked by such companies to try and settle the storm of truth that's been coming their way. For a moment I thought to give this film a 10 because it forced me to look deeper into the truth about GMO's., but I had to get real and give it a 2 because it was so completely one sided. Sure there was science, but only the science they wanted you to see. They completely left out the dangers of dumping hundreds of millions of pounds of the chemical Glyphosate all over the earth. This film is obviously aimed at being a 100% propaganda film to try and convince us that GMO's are good and this poison is safe, while plenty of other scientist are pointing out a very real and wide spread danger. And from what I read so far it doesn't look good ir we let them take over.But don't believe me, or the film, do your own research. And definitely don't fall for all the phony reviews on here praising this film as if it's a breath of fresh wonderfully pure science. Those people for sure are either paid, or sadly not very aware of the facts.In any case, I sure don't like the idea of big corporations patenting seeds and owning our food supply. That's just one step away from owning us. If we let them, they will keep getting bigger until we have no choice but to eat what they have or starve. We'll be like dogs to it's master if we give up control of our food. Let's not do this. Have a happy, healthy life, sincerely, M.D.

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The film does show both sides of this issue, but it leans towards arguments to support the potential benefits of GMOs. Like most all doc films, the bias come across in the tone and in the amount of footage which highlights certain viewpoints. Did the filmmaker select the most astute anti-GMO people, to be as fair-handed as possible? Not at all.Most of the anti-GMO people in the film came across as preachy extremists. In one scene, there's a public debate between both sides, and the anti-GMO people resembled buffoons.One thing the film did not seem to address: there are no studies on the long term effects of GMOs, many years after they're consumed. Because GMOs were introduced only about 23 years ago, I don't consider the current studies to be iron-clad. Coffee is bad, coffee is good--you know the deal--studies reveal new warnings, and then contradict themselves years later.I'm accustomed to Q&A sessions after screenings. But the brief verbal "survey" (survey?) given by the Director came off as simplistic, consisting of extremely broad questions. When one viewer expressed frustration about the film, the Director responded in testy, defensive tone. Perhaps he was burned out from battling complaints from anti-GMO activists. In contrast, when other viewers squealed their praise for his film, the Director was gracious. It was an odd few moments.I would somewhat recommend this film.

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There is so much information missing from this movie about the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate that it is almost laughable. You want to make a movie that has a real impact, include both sides. Of course, the biotech industry won't allow that, as they know that the real science will clearly show that this is a dangerous technology and hurting the planet and it's inhabitants. This is clearly profit over people.

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If you are at all interested in the modern agriculture system, where our food comes from and how new technology fits into the system then definitely watch this movie. For anyone out there that has watched Food Inc., or read one of Michael Pollan's books and are curious about GMO technology and its safety this movie will lay down the facts for you in depth. Unlike many recent documentaries of recent years this one backs up statements with facts instead of scare tactics and scientists instead of "concerned citizens". The fact that DeGrasse Tyson is the narrator gives this movie instant credibility in my opinion. It also features Bill Nye and to my surprise Michael Pollan both commenting in favor of GMO technology. If you are curious about food then watch this movie.I watched this film as part of a pre-release screening.

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