Food Will Win the War
Food Will Win the War
NR | 20 July 1942 (USA)
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Food Will Win the War Trailers

World War II propaganda film on the importance of American farming. A morale booster film stressing the abudance of American agricultural output.


Such a frustrating disappointment


Please don't spend money on this.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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This half-reel cartoon was produced by the Walt Disney organization to tout the importance of farming in the war effort -- if we don't eat, we can't fight very well -- and to offer us some unlikely images to underline how prolific American farms were: enough corn to stretch from London to Istanbul, enough milk to make a cheese about the tenth the size of the moon, and other fanciful images, sure to amuse as well as inform.The animation involved is minimal. It looks fairly obvious that this was produced at high speed and minimal expense. There's a war on, you know! Now, go raise some wheat.

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