FЯED: The Movie
FЯED: The Movie
PG | 17 December 2010 (USA)
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Fred Figglehorn is in love with Judy, who lives next door. But Kevin, the local bully, prevents Fred from seeing Judy until she moves out of town. So, Fred embarks on a quest to find her in the hope that his feelings will be reciprocated.


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen


One of the best films i have seen


I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.

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Am I Missing Something?


There are great comedies, like Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Death At A Funeral. There are terrible comedies, like Evan Almighty or The Smurfs. Then there's this turd which needs no introduction. This film fails on every level. Nothing about this works. Fred is not only annoying and unlikable, he gets creepy in parts, because he's stalking some girl he thinks is hot. Wow, so smooth, Fred.The acting is terrible as well. Lucas whatever the heck his last name is should have stayed on YouTube (Or just disappear. The videos suck too). He is a terrible actor who brings nothing funny or at least unique to the character. All he does is make annoying voices, that's it. The same goes for the rest of the cast.Okay, there's like one actor/character I did like; John Cena. I give him props for being in this piece of crap and actually giving a charismatic performance that was so random it made me laugh, but the rest of the movie is so cruel and grueling to sit through that I forgot about him until he showed up again.Don't watch this, bye bye.

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If you have never see this then see it. It is funny, sad, emotional and all around amazing. Compared to other animes like Shrek and Cory In The House (also my favorites) it is even better. Nothing can compare to how great this amazing movie. The acting is phenomenal and I don't know how Fred wasn't nominated and didn't win best actor. Also why did this not win best picture like wtf. It is better than the Hurt Locker which won in 2010. If you gave this 1 star then you have no sense it art. This is the best movie and it can't be beat. Best anime and best movie. Go see it now. Or senpai Fred will eat you and F*ck you from behind while you sleep. Stay woke.

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now they gotta make a movie with a lack of characters and bad acting. this movie has bled my ears so bad i wish i was deaf. Fred is annoying as hell, he's not funny and the entire time he's just yelling and screaming i mean whats the point of this movie?the script of the movie is poorly done. Fred sets out on a journey to find his true love Judy, i mean is this another version of Disney with stupid songs that have auto tune in them? i mean what does this movie teach us? that we can run around free and screaming and yelling?even when the camera zooms in on his face its like ugh get it away from me! he shouldn't have his own movie his voice is just annoying i swear to god its not near funny its plain stupid. ugh i can't stand him.

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H. Smith

I'm surprised at all the negative comments. The movie doesn't pretend to be anything but what it is, which is a humorous fantasy with a lot of wry jokes, and also a very broad parody of the miseries and awkwardness that anyone who attended high school probably remembers but might not admit to.The film has a lot of technical virtues, for instance the musical score which is funny and inventive all by itself, technically sophisticated and expresses every scene and action with almost eerie precision, all timed and synchronized almost down to the microsecond.The camera work is so perfect that you don't even notice it, but when you do notice it you find that, like the music, it is constantly expressing every nuance of the action in the most perfect way possible, and always with a sly and good-natured sense of humor.The character Fred, which is so sharply etched that it seems to have transcended the actual personality of Lucas Cruikshank and is living a life all its own, is an amazing phenomenon of natural talent and sheer nerve. Who else could pull it off without falling flat on his or her face? Fred's humor, which is a clever transposition of juvenile behavior into a series of intricate sight gags and pitch-altered vocal gymnastics, never stops poking harmless fun at anything and everything, and on that account it's somewhat surprising that no comparisons seem to have been made to Fred's predecessor--who could only be Peewee Herman.The entire supporting cast does such a good job of portraying the various comic characters that again one finds oneself almost not noticing the professional skill required, and instead just naturally accepting the perfect ambiance that they provide.The movie, when accepted on its own terms, is brilliant in a number of ways, and not least, as far as I am concerned, for puncturing and deflating the bullies and beauties of my high school days. Remember them? For that I say thank you Fred.

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