Funny Money
Funny Money
R | 09 March 2006 (USA)
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Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally trades briefcases with another man, to find out that there's a million dollars inside. Henry tells his unsuspecting wife of their new-found fortune, but she doesn't embrace it as well as he does. Soon they're joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his money.


Amateur movie with Big budget


Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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We picked this DVD out of a stack one Saturday afternoon and dropped it in, not expecting much. The movie starts slow, with about a half-hour of exposition. It really kicks into gear when the action moves to the apartment of the two leads (Chase and Miller).The movie works like a play, with most of the action confined to this apartment. Characters come and go, and interact with each other. This is not a subtle or ironic comedy, but rather most of the gags are coarse and blunt. Some are also repeated a number of times.This may not be your cup of tea, but for me, on that afternoon, it was just what I was in the mood to see. I laughed out loud and was sad when the movie started to wrap up.

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The return of (Chevy Chase)? Well, not the best return ever. The thing is he looks so old, his comedy isn't that fresh, but the man managed to be that desperate middle-class dreamer who wants to have a lavish vacation. I wanted him to do the thing that every usual middle-class man dreams of : saying No to his boss, being the hero of his life. But no such luck. They just gave him the opportunity to lie, hustle, be an outlaw and live endless boldly sexual – all fake – positions along with his lavish vacation. All in all it was empty return and not that hilarious.It's one farcical night, not great though. While I loved taking place in one night, and a character like the annoying stand-up comedian/part time taxi driver, I just hated that all the laughs were sexual and nothing else; so I felt ridiculousness or rather easiness. And when it continued to the end I was bored and sick. Some movie makers think that the best thing to make the bourgeoisie laugh is by giving them sex jokes, as if that is Everything You Always Wanted to Talk About But Were Afraid to ! These ones did it with abundance. Fairly some moments were clever, but not that many.Casting (Armand Assante) in a comedy was tempting factor. But eventually I was hoaxed, because he was exploited in non-creative way. (Assante) comes from many movies where he played scary evil men, even scary good men ! In this movie that wasn't used to produce laughs, the material given to him was one-note and low, and his performance was weak (in many scenes he seemed drunk to me !). I hated that the wife does nothing but to drink. Further, some sexual jokes were so ugly (kissing the statues!). Simply as a movie based on funny characters and misunderstanding, it didn't reach to the max. Although the pace is good, but in the same time you may feel the weariness due to the absence of real events, outrageous twists, or anything else jokes about penis, erection, being homosexual,…etc !Unlike many reviews, I see that it worked. But just as a light, very light, movie. Or a feast for the ones who adore the sexual jokes!

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This is a fantastic film! One of the funniest films I have seen since "Nothing to Lose (1997)". Chevy Chase stars as a down on his luck man working at a wax fruit company, where his idea was passed over ten years before, and the new "hotshot" is receiving the credit.His name is Henry Perkins, hes married, he works for a living, and he has just found $1 million dollars. What would you do with that much money? Certainly, you would pay off bills, but not Henry. His wife has just made a deal with an art manager, and they are on the brink of separation.At the party, which is for henry's birthday, there is total chaos. A cop who watched Henry's moves from where he found the money until he got home is asking questions. Henry and his wife's friends are there to have fun, and Henry has called a cab to leave.Its a great movie, and you will find yourself laughing at every turn.

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First of all I must say, I don't agree with the current rating (6.4) which is in my opinion a result of small number of voters. This movie, except few first minutes, is a giant mess. It looks like Monthy Python on speed. I can't believe Chevy Chase is acting in this one. Obviously, we have different perception of humor as well as the taste, but this movie could not be labeled as good comedy no matter what angle you're looking at it from. Long story short and without spoilers, the whole plot is stationed to a house, and all 'humourous' situations are caused by visit of two detectives, that came to visit without warrant and could be sent away in a heartbeat by any conscious adult. I am a huge fan of comedy and also of the movies with Chevy Chase, but I was very disappointed. This movie had just a few comic situations and dialogs, not enough for calling it funny movie. I certainly wouldn't recommend this to anyone who looks for an entertaining movie.

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