Ghost Mother
Ghost Mother
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
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Nuntha had to care for her niece and nephews that her brother had left behind. When Nuntha finds out that Chai, her dead brother had worked as undercover agent to gather evidence on powerful criminals due to an unfortunate misunderstanding she was murdered as well. Nuntha, even in her death still worries about her nieces and nephews and how will they survive on their own so she continues to care for them as a ghost.


Good concept, poorly executed.


For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!

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Absolutely brilliant

Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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This is listed as a horror film, but it plays out more like a straight forward crime film with supernatural elements. Nuntha (Patcharapa Chaichua) has to care for her three nieces and nephews, when her Brother dies mysteriously. Strange things start to happen and so Nuntha starts investigating his death in greater detail. Her Brother had been working as an undercover cop, trying to penetrate the secrecy of a mafia like criminal gang. This is a ghost as protector type film. It lacks the many jump scares that similar American films have, but it does beautifully recreate the nastiness of underworld of crime colliding with the dread of the after life.

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