| 23 June 2007 (USA)
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Harpies Trailers

Jason Avery is an ex-cop now working as a museum security guard. Armed thieves break in intent on stealing a priceless obelisk that's stored within this vault-like stone structure. The scientist behind the theft talks of the obelisk giving him the power to control harpies, demonic winged female monsters of classic mythology. Through a series of contrived events, the obelisk opens a time portal that Jason promptly falls into, crash landing over a thousand years in the past in a land threatened by evil harpies.


The greatest movie ever made..!


hyped garbage


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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I tuned into this hoping to see the harpie running for vice-president. The screeching was there, but the harpies were really ugly - like lipstick on a pig.I knew I had seen this movie before in some other form. It just so happened that Army of Darkness was on cable right after it, so I tuned in. Well, what do you know, this was just a remake, and a not very good one at that.I know Bruce Campbell, and Stephen Baldwin, you are no Bruce Campbell. Leave it to Bruce to give us a really funny movie about being transported to the Middle Ages. Baldwin just seemed to go through the motion and pick up a check. There just wasn't anything there.Anyone looking for someone to walk around and look good in their movie could do a lot worse than Kristin Richardson. Of course. I would prefer a movie with Joely, Miranda, or Natasha Richardson in it, but I'll take Kristin in a pinch.This is a move that would have been greatly improved by the addition of a couple of rappers in it.

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I get a kick out of watching the awful movies the Sci-Fi Channel releases during the weekend, and by golly, Stan Lee's Harpies is without a doubt, the worst film to be featured yet.There's many implausible actions the writer for this garbage wrote, such as the lame excuse of a threat Stephen Baldwin's character makes to a fellow security guard, or the great sketch of a trebuchet he later provides to a fellow warrior.The special-effects are laughable. From the usual bad CG used in other Sci-Fi movies, the harpies in this film are cringe-worthy in that you'll laugh till your sides hurt. There's scenes where the harpies were suppose to be added in later during post, but what we get are warriors hacking and slashing at invisible things in front of them or in the air. To get an idea of this trash's budget, there's a moment when an elderly soldier falls from his horse after a harpy dismounts him sending the soldier onto what should be a dirt path, but a quick cut shows a younger man with black hair falling onto a beautifully green field -- with no wig at all. There's also trick angles, where a spear hits a soldier to make it look like he's been impaled, only to see briefly that he is holding it under his arm and to his side. Other moments include: fake swords (the kind that push in when pressed upon a hard surface to give a seemingly real stab) and corny blue screen.The harpies are so ugly looking, one could wonder if anyone took this project seriously. From the big-tooth dentures, to the matted hair, these woman are funnier looking than scary.The music is terrible. While trying to have some sweep, it comes off as something an audience member would chuckle to. When one of the main warriors is slain in battle, the choral work is even more laughable.The dialogue is atrocious. From the villain explaining his mistakes and intentions to his dim-witted harpies, to the weak "jokes" Stephen Baldwin's character makes here and there.The acting is so bad, it's bewildering. Peter Jason has a dual role as the sorcerer and the professor (who somehow manages to grab some of the lamest mercenaries in movie history) and the lazy performances by Baldwin and some of the other warriors, who seem like they want to take a nap rather than express any emotion in their monotone deliveries.Overall, there is not one compliment one can give to this wretched "film". It's simply grotesque, and the only way this could even be considered good, is if this was a parody and it was done with the best of intentions of being this awful -- which considering from the moronic director Josh Becker, this was meant as a somewhat serious project, as he has a list of failing movies. Only watch this film for the laughs, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously I hope.

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Liviu Canja

Wow... If someone would have told me this before, I wouldn't have believed him. Come on, Sci-Fi have done some bad movies but this is their champion. Stephen Baldwin (I liked him before this) has done his worst role ever. He's not even acting. The other actors seem like they were picked up from the street. The CGI is nowhere. The angles of the cameras are all wrong. And don't let me start writing about the director of this movie. A 7 year old child would have directed better then him. Hell, a monkey would have directed better then him. The props look so fake and the most hilarious thing was the catapult that looks like it was bought from IKEA. The dialogs have no sense they are just a bunch of words put together in phrases that have no connection with the other phrases. I think that they should show this film only to students at film academies where they can learn what NOT to do in a film.

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Sincerely hoping they all had a good time making this awful flick to ensure that at least there was some fun had here...certainly wasn't much fun to be had on the receiving end.Based on a few posts, I was hoping against all odds (Sci-Fi Channel original, Stephen Baldwin starring) that this would be an entertaining diversion, whether it be a tongue-in-cheek endeavor or a somehow otherwise funny or exciting venture; but unfortunately, this was nothing more than a terrible film. Can we fine the actors for this? That would be fun, and I would be content with the results. Better yet however would be to Star-Chamber the producers.This film is embarrassingly terrible and I despise the fact that Stephen Baldwin lives a better life than most of us.

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