| 12 August 2006 (USA)
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Header Trailers

HEADER portrays the grueling psychological journey taken by ATF Agent Stewart Cummings. On the surface, Stewart struggles to solve a string of bizarre murders, but in secret, his life falls into a world of corruption that's impossible to escape. Deceit, rape, and murder spiral out of control triggering a hellish conclusion that defies description.


Perfectly adorable


Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


I originally started watching HEADER a year or so ago-but I remember being tired when I watched it and couldn't get into it-so I turned it off less than halfway through. Despite having read several of Lee's stories (though I have yet to read this one...) and being pretty hyped to see this-I found the poor acting, horrible Southern accents, and lame cinematography to be more tedious than entertaining. But just recently I started reading Lee's 'Flesh Gothic'-and it reminded me that I still had this disc laying around, so I decided to give it another shot. Travis is a scumbag redneck who gets out of jail and goes to live with his legless grandpappy in some shack in the woods. During their time of familial re-bonding, grandpappy relates the joys of the 'header' to Travis, and explains that the act is to be used as a means of revenge against those that have wronged the family. Travis becomes an enthusiastic header devotee-and starts header-ing everyone in sight. Meanwhile, there is a dirty ATF agent named Cummings who runs drugs for local dealers to help pay for his wife's expensive prescriptions. The two story lines converge when Cummings starts getting involved in the header murders...I'll start with the good. The basic plot works for what it is. Grandpap's performance (unlike anyone else's in the film...) was extremely entertaining. There is a passable amount of gore-but those that insist that this film is some sort of gore-soaked bloodbath obviously haven't seen too many gore-soaked bloodbaths. There's a couple decent sets of tits-that's always a plus. As to the bad: the acting by virtually the entire cast is weak. Travis' retardedly fake Southern accent is so horrible that he's often unintelligible. The cinematography/editing (if they can be called that) make the film look extremely amateurish. I also feel that the revenge aspects of the whole header ritual was glossed over when it came to Travis' choice of victims. Often the victims transgression against the family-resulting in the header-was explained in a quick sentence or two- almost as an aside-and oftentimes nearly or completely unintelligibly due to Travis' ridiculous accent. So what's the verdict? Upon my second attempt with HEADER, I will say that I enjoyed it more than the first time-at least to the point that I finished it. It's hard for me to judge this one because although it's relatively entertaining and despite the fact that I haven't read the source-material, I've read enough of Lee's work to see his 'spirit' in the film. Unfortunately-I just can't get past how low-budget HEADER feels. I realize that it is in fact a low- budget indie film-but I've seen many 'smaller' films do more with less. One reviewer nailed it when he mentioned the style of the opening scene and how it had a cool, vintage, degraded film-stock kind of look that would have assuredly worked much better throughout the entirety of the film, as opposed to the obviously shot-on-digital look that the rest of the film has. And even though HEADER presents some semi-graphic material-it doesn't come close to capturing in visual terms the hyper-sexuality and violence that Lee's writing exudes. Personally-I'd love to see a more experienced and ballsier film- maker do a proper adaptation of one of Lee's other works. I totally think it could be done-but it would take someone who's really willing to both cross and crush the 'line' between horror and porn in film like no one else has before. Anyway-I'm going to give HEADER a pretty lenient 7/10 for at least attempting to put this sort of material out there-even if it is a bit tame (and lame...) by comparison...

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Just seen this film, and have to say that I shouldn't have bothered. The trailer looked really cheap, with poor photography and lousy acting. Anyway I thought I'd give it a chance. Well the basic OMG shocking Header scenes are just stupid. Nothing made any sense. And the idea of the Header just seemed ridiculous to me. I guess if you watch a film purely to feel grossed out every now and again, then this may be just what you're looking for. But otherwise stay clear of this cinematic mess. If only the director knew how to handle/direct his actors and DP. I just hate badly made, poorly shot films. You don't have to have a lot of money to find and bring out the best in your performers and also create a distinctive visual look. Definitely a desperate, gimmick movie for the McHorror crowd. Steer clear of this - unless you're a 12 year old who wants to brag to his friends he's just seen something 'naughty'.

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As he held his pappy up to "head" a chick...well...i was done. I thought i really gave this flick a chance but that was more than it was due. I understand Kentucky is all back woods and all, but huh. Was this a result of someones Prozac dream, or a drug trip gone horribly wrong? The fact that this flick got an award in Rhode Island, just comes to show that we have too many "film" festivals. I gave it a one vote wise because zero was not an option. If you were one of the unfortunates that thought this was any good, you may enjoy another awful bit of cinema like "Grace", or "Repo" (another film that I didn't make it all the way through)......................................................

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Wow this movie was simply terrible. All it is, is some grotesque twisted acts done by some idiot hillbillies, and a cop that gets mixed in with it. The story was lame and quite boring, i had to just skip through most of it. The dialog was just unbearable. I think i loss some brain cells just listening to these characters. The acting... what acting? from what i saw there was none, and if there was it was pathetic. Though you can't really blame them with this kind of trash for a movie. There was just no entertainment value whatsoever. The movie will only appeal to those with some sick gore fetish. Come on who in their right mind would want to see brain-humping? As for it being called a horror movie, its not. Its a snuff film, there isn't one moment that's thrilling nor scary for it to be deemed a horror movie. I really wish i hadn't stumbled upon this film. I read about two-three comments about it and they were positive. Totally baffles me how anyone, besides a pervert, would enjoy this movie. Even the focus on gore and sickness of the characters as the defile another human being was lame. Oh wow he killed another person and is having sex with a hole in their head... yawn. Overall rating: Bad movieYou are better off not watching this film.

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