Heartbreak Hotel
Heartbreak Hotel
PG-13 | 30 September 1988 (USA)
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When a teen tries to set up a band at his school, his mother - who was a big fan of Elvis Presley - gets in a wreck. He and his band members then decide to kidnap Elvis and hook him up with his mother.


Disturbing yet enthralling


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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A Rock and Roll Fantasy with an underrated cast, this movie is a lot of fun. David Keith gives a believable performance portraying Elvis as human rather than as the icon we all choose to remember. That's the most gratifying thing about this movie; Elvis ceases to be ELVIS in all that the name/legend implies and is instead Elvis, a character who happens to be a superstar in the reality of this movie. Charlie Schlatter gives us a realistic teen who can't relate to his mother's musical preference and who benefits from the influence of Elvis--the Man, not the image. It's also nice to think that, by the end, Elvis benefits from the influence of Charlie's character! (Keeping in mind that I mean Elvis the character in this movie and not The Real Elvis!) Definitely worth seeing!

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This is pure fantasy. As an Elvis fan it made me think what if Elvis had been confronted with his past towards the end of his life? The end of the film I found to be sad as we all know what happened to him and wished it were otherwise. The music is very good, as are the performances. This is in my top 30.

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I just saw this movie. I was surfing on cable and I came across it. At first I thought it would be rubbish but then it caught me. At the end of the movie I found that I was in a much better mood than when I started. It was not the world's best film but I really enjoyed it. It is excellent light entertainment for Elvis fans. My advice is see it.....dont take it too seriously and dont expect too much and you will thoroughly enjoy it. I guarantee you will be singing along. Now, I'm off to listen to some old Elvis songs!

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Michael O'Keefe

Don't get me wrong. I do like most of Chris Columbus' other projects. I do like David Keith, but he gives one of the worse portrayals of Elvis I have ever seen. This time flattery is not complimentary. It bothers me to see Elvis portrayed with a chip on his shoulder and with such an angry attitude.This was meant to be a fantasy/comedy, but I feel it sure misses the mark. Outlandish story of a teenage boy gathering a few of his buddies and kidnapping Elvis after a concert in Ohio. The King of Rock 'n' Roll is persuaded to 'hideout' at the home of the boy as a surprise for his depressed mother, an avid Elvis fan.I thought this was a cute movie the first time I saw it. Upon viewing a couple of more times, I find it less attractive. For the pure Presley fans out there, this is like watching an outbreak of the plague. The ending tries to leave you with a peaceful and proud feeling, but the damage had already been done.One time Elvis co-star in WILD IN THE COUNTRY , Tuesday Weld plays the bewildered fanatic. Charlie Schlatter plays the wise ass kidnapper.If you are an Elvis fan and haven't already seen this; don't waste your time.

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